Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

blow up hissing

end game before dinner

cyberbullying wins town the game again

do it loser

doooooooooo it

clone and hissing aren’t in thread

wolves are gonna come back to their WIG S N A T C H E D :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

you should blow them up purely for that reason


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trust the paw-cess nyarchmage

peer pressure is wrong unless it gets you what you want kids

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Okay but for you goons saying “blowing up Mine was a huge misplay for Market if Wolf isn’t scum” isn’t that inversely true for Hiss


Why not just blow up Market

Why have Market come back

idk and idc

you and bell are villagers and I want you to blow up the people who are not me

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this is what I also said
but like

the same holds true regardless of the team

either way they wasted a free kill / forcing the elim on minecat

so hissing waiting doesn’t make it any more or less of a missplay

it’s not illegal for wolves to make bad plays

if it’s an extremely bad play it’s pretty unlikely but not impossible

but mechs kinda fucky in this setup so I can see wolves screwing it up

ultimate is extremely villagery
ur extremely villagery

i’m gay


just blow 'em up and ride it to victory

gay gay homosexual gay

what a 180 we’ve pulled

such is the power of hope over despair


you’re in a position of complete and utter lock clear (thanks to my det too, lol)

You decide the game, you decide who goes to f2 with you
but like
i think there’s a good planze

I’m a dankgangromper character so I have to say gay shit like that


jingle jingle

blow up hissing you pussycat

jingle jingle