Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win šŸ˜³

nyarch go queen

that would be funny
but also, justā€¦ no?
This just feels like a massive reach when, in reality, I had been awake for an undisclosed amount of time and was only half-awake.

if youā€™d like some useless self-meta
I mostly just play this game to have fun and hang out with people
Also, again, my detonate was entirely just a kneejerk reaction

i feel like youā€™re almost looking for things at this point?
imo its quite natural to go ā€œokay, well this person seems strong so if theyā€™re consistently leading town wrong then theyre probably not townā€

I feel like talking about this too much will reveal exactly who I am and Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m allowed to do that even accidentally so
in short, no. I was looking for evidence of fabrication because I was pretty sure they were just scum coming into thread after my detonate and seeing an easy target.

I wouldnā€™t call it disengaging? Regardless, same thing earlier about just playing for fun.

physically incapable :sunglasses:

Side note
third scum being alive is probably scum play of the game considering what the other two scum did image

youā€™re dying in f5 dude, your wolfplay isnt that goated

If youā€™re that confident then detonate me

I look forward to laughing at whatever happens next

would if i could captain

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forgot about that


Anyways, it was not long after this I really started hammering Market and Mine and coming around on Hiss, to the point where I said this:

It was at this exact moment that Clone decided I was bad.

This is pretty classical chainsawing and is the second thing on my ISO skim earlier that really grabbed my attention. Maybe this is just town who really likes Hiss now? Guess weā€™ll see how they develop on Hiss, Market and Mine the rest of the day (hint: it isnā€™t good)

Wow, look at that, Hiss is in their bottom tier! That makes it incredibly clear why they were so aghast at the idea of me burning through literally everyone Cloned thinks is bottom-tier a minute ago.

Oh wait, no it doesnā€™t!

This list has literally all three people I was just threatening to explode through, including two scum, in the very bottom tier, and yet manages to come right off of the heels of tanking my own placement for threatening to burn through those slots. Thatā€™s frankly unbelievable from a town PoV.

They do say itā€™s unordered

But that really doesnā€™t change the fact that this is such a massive 180 from thinking I was awful for wanting to kill Market, Mine, and Hiss a second ago.

Wolfcat then speaks up and votes Market.

You can guess how Clone reacted to that by now, right?

oh wow another chainsaw

anyways Market shows up and throws a token scumread to Clone

which, given their abysmal thread positioning, is a perfectly reasonable way to distance from a partner

but CloneCat reacts to this with like really excessive forgiveness given Market was in their bottom slot a second ago and considering how hard they went off on Ultimate for scumreading them a few hours before

So basically, that wall I think pretty much everyone else agreed was terrible and had CloneCat at rock bottom, made their opinion of Market improve somehow

That reads a lot more like distancing while trying to save a partner than Clone making just a really bizarre and unfounded set of reads on Market while chainsawing their attackers at every turn.

Clone then shows up literally within a minute of Marketable detonating which is literally unbelievable timing

I get scared by Bell posting a dog meme and they are all too happy to jump at that despite their prior top town status for Bell

There is another reason this might be the case and it isnā€™t magic :eyes:

Anyways hereā€™s the piece that really seals the deal imo

Clone immediately, before the flip happens, begins to start clearing Market and setting up Wolf for the fall.

I had been having basically the exact same thoughts on the team comp so I was ecstatic about them saying this and itā€™s the reason Iā€™ve held a townread on them this long

And this would have absolutely been clearing, had Clone started pushing on this trio from the right side.

However, what happened next is decidedly not that.

Clone immediately started pushing Wolf and using them as a way to clear Market after Wolf flipped green.

In hindsight this is honestly pretty blatant and I think this is by far the strongest reason itā€™s just them. The way they acted is exactly how scum that had make a conscious decision not to have Mine blow up Wolf would act - shade Wolf, try to push the vote there, and then use that to clear Market. If this is town they played every part of this exchange exactly incorrectly from start to finish, and considering it ended with two scum dead Iā€™m pretty sure occamā€™s razor just tells us Clone isnā€™t town.


  • probably confused two scummates before they were publicly known

  • opportunistically blew up town that hadnā€™t even posted

  • had effectively no solid and original reads the entire game

  • snuck out of Ultimateā€™s suspicion and then pocketed them

  • chainsawed everyone pushing the scum before they died

  • was distancing from market but still being very kind to their image

  • is the only person that tried to leverage mine not exploding to actually clear market and is also the only person who acted in a way consistent with somebody who would have directed mine not to explode before market exploded them

  • has effectively no redeeming qualities that hold up to scrutiny

Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s just clone

cool story

now letā€™s wait multiple hours for me to get my det back

we could always just vote

that puts us in a 4-man D3 if it isnā€™t clone somehow

which is just a normal LyLo

here Iā€™ll start

/vote Clone

I mean I suppose

you could always have hissing blow me up after we hammer clone if u really wanna go that route

@Amelia @Italy @katze


look what I found while making those walls

/vote clone

(im not pinging you losers)

but nah we can get to you tomorrow if the game doesnā€™t end with cloneā€™s death