Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

Girlcat Joycat
Copvig CatsTM Nyan

I canā€™t really quote, since Iā€™m on my phone. Sorry ^-^

But some of their posts about the jester just didnā€™t really make sense as either town or jester, because for town it was sidetracking them, and jester wouldnā€™t want to bring attention to themselves

Give them to me later or I will bonk you >-<

This defensiveness seems genuine (in that they donā€™t want to die)

Judging from what I know of their posting style, itā€™s probably mafya-indicative if anything. Want more posts from this slot but Iā€™m vaguely willing to kill this today.

I feel like, in my opinyan, they shifted towards ā€œprove it or leave me aloneā€ very quickly, almost too quickly to be nyarmal.

How is it sidetracking.

The jester is one of the two threads to the town wincondition (and in my opinion, the larger one, because 5v2 nightless is townsided by nature).

I felt like some of their posts are so stereotypically wolfy that theyā€™re likely intentional, I jester-read Neko hard
I can explain now or if not, itā€™s in my ISO~

I also donā€™t really feel the defensiveness as much as you do?

I agree that the slotā€™s posting is unnyatural. Iā€™m more trying to gauge where it comes fron.

It was the ā€œIā€™m not a wolf and if you think I am, prove itā€ where I felt it

Itā€™s possible that itā€™s trying to incite a wolfcase against themselves but iā€™m nyat sure nekomancer-chan is thinking that far ahead.

yes we share bad habits

explain this

hrmm i think you came to this conclusion a bit faster than you should have

Itā€™s 6v2, just saying. I meant that it felt like you were disrupting your natural thought process to add inserts about the jester

The two last posts I picked are both in a series of three consecutive posts. They had doubt on nekomancerā€™s case, and thatā€™s something I want to hear more about, considering their conclusion is a Jester.

My focus is going to be focused a lot on the jester.

Iā€™m more trying to find people who I think are nyat mafia and people who I think are nyat jester and go from there. Iā€™ve found its hard to identify specifically Mafya or jester and so I think these early stages are won by PoE.

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Between the second and third posts, I read Neko-sanā€™s ISO.

Which is obvious

but im asking you to explain your reads

Again, if youā€™re final conclusion is that itā€™s a Jester, that means that:

based on your first post, you thought it was a W lean. but your doubt expresses that itā€™s not incriminating, allowing for a V possibility

eventually leading to a jester conclusion

which this happened after your re-ISO

Chibi-san, at the moment, who would be your choices to cuddle?