Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

It’s moreso that i’d rather dodge the jester at all costs and will be incredibly hesitant in executing a potential jester. I’m nyat willing to really take risks and will bite into players I townread more if the PoE is all acting shifty or I get a bad feeling.

I dont think the posts written by chibicat warrant a townlean or are easy to read in alignment-indicative way but they saying things i like

And what about the idea that we might go into D4 in a 3v2?

That’s something to consider but doesn’t change my point in any way.

my mom’s sister’s husband’s boyfriend’s dog told me that they were town and I agree tbh

jokes aside it’s hard to explain

But brain thinks loltown

Fair enough, on Nyan-san. I’m not wolfreading them anymore, but I’m also still hesitant in moving up above null.

chibi is either town or jester imo

Still worth it, nyanestly. I don’t find it unlikely that we bag one or two mafia and we can use that time to execute any players who intentionally or excessively played up their wolfiness or WiFoMed being jester.

I felt they had some decently scummy vibes sometimes… not really sure if they were wolf vibes or jester vibes though :sweat_smile:


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u make interesting posts

u can be my next iso

I’m curious - does this mean that you believe that we have a deep wolf? Would you be willing to receive the sleep-inducing cuddles?

I didn’t like some of their posts, you knyaw?

Which ones though


nothing they’ve said looks like mafia it looks more like jester or town

Therefore I’m not actually interested in them being the exe for today

Were you even replying to me? I can’t tell

Directed at Girlcat, but fair enough

I don’t know where you got this implication. There really isn’t enough to come to those types of threadreads yet.

And to answer your question, if I thought it was likely that if I didn’t go down the jester would, nyeah, I would be.

Ohh ok

I couldn’t tell but answered anyway lol