Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

based and cringepilled

@CatgirlCopvig any(an) thoughts on all thatā€™s happened since you left? Even Things that may seem irrelevant. Just want to talk with someonyan.

Seems like a relatively slow game. Iā€™m nyanestly slightly dissapointed, considering that this is a purely social game with only posts, votes, and associations to go off of, and one with an added layer of complexity regarding a jester.

Stop browsing OnlyNyans and get in here, silly people!

Iā€™ll field some questnyans to make it easier :slight_smile:

@joycatgirl talk to me about how you were feeling in

this post. Itā€™s a brazen way to respyand to an early wolfread. What prompted you to respond this way?

@nekomancer thoughts on the game? You popped in to talk about your email and name, nyat really alignment-indicative sort of things. :slight_smile: Have any thoughts or reads either way on any slots?

Iā€™ll spare CatgirlCopvig-chan another ping. For anyone else who sees this post, please share your thoughts on anything. This is a mildly concernyang pace. Ping me if I donā€™t respond, I should be around.

Slightly annoyed. Not because you wolf-read me or anything

But because you were equating me not liking my English skills to me being self conscious which in my eyes was a weird observation to make from that post?

I was trying to say that I couldnā€™t understand my post and itā€™s meaning because I wrote it bad not because I thought it sounded wolfy.



sometimes God tells Myan nyat to do something.

and sometimes Myan does Nyat listen.




im gay

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/vote ChibiCat

the alt gimmick feels performative

But on this nyote.
Why didnā€™t you voice this earlier?

How can it be performative? Iā€™m nyat putting on a performance and itā€™s nyat something that can really be read off of. Can you elaborate?

Didnā€™t they say something about it?

I thought that kinda implied what you were saying

because it makes you look like a townie who doesnt care how they look, even though alt gimmicks are anti-town

I said it here

I meant moreso why they did nyat try to dig deeper on my perspective, if they felt that my observatiyan was weird.

I didnā€™t think it was weird I more so didnā€™t like the fact you thought I was being self conscious

edit: about my skills

basically what im saying is

im monky if you were actually town, your alt gimmick would feel more natural. While here it feels more like youre trying to use your gimmick which is strange to me.

I disagree on both of those points and will continue to do so unless someoene convinces me otherwise.

alright lets start with the easy one

how are they pro-town in any way