Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

Cyan you rephrase? I don’t exactly understand what you mean when you say “use your gimmick”. How else am I supposed to implement it?

They’re nyat pro-town, but this one is nyat anti-town either. My posts are still easily decipherable, i’m not altering the content, and I prefer to type this way.

youre looking for ways to use your gimmick

if you were actually town, you wouldnt be trying to make a gimmicky post. You’d just make one when you feel like it

every single strategy is pro-town and anti-town

how are alt gimmicks pro-town

Sorry, my computer just crashed, and I just fixed it before going to bed >_<
I don’t know why I’m making this post, because I don’t expect to make content now
More in 12 hours I guess?

Accused Voting Votes
ChibiCat CatgirlCopvig, joycatgirl, Nyan-chan 3/5
joycatgirl ChibiCat 1/5

ping me for votes or be strangled

It’s fine lol the warning is helpful

no it isnt

slanking is anti-town

i will dayvig you with my catgun

i dont have a brain

It’s nyat a strategy, and no, it’s not a dichotomy. Things can be not protown nor antitown. It’s not hurting town in any way. It’s simply a way of typing.

If you want me to go there, it’s making me enjoy the game more, in turn increasing my investment.

Can a girl not be allowed to type how she wants in peace? I only alter the posts after I type them to fit in nyan puns, I’m not going out of my way to use it (besides OnlyNyans, which is something I thought of and are proud).

It may be anti-town but they’re warning that they have to be inactive

hisses at you

Obligatory quickhammer joke >w<


Okay I’m (probably) going to bed now~

For postgame credit:

Nyan-chan-chan is Jester

This antagonization seems relatively deliberate and I don’t understyand how they are really coming to this kind of conclusnyan.

not true, any sort of gimmick means you have to spend more time analyzing posts therefore it’s anti-town

first sentence gives me weird vibes. And isn’t the second sentence literally why I said your posts feel off?

Smh should’ve said “antagonyazation”

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also any sort of attention seeking is a bad way to play the jester in the setup

you’d want to try to get yourself in the poe, probably by slanking a lot.

The fact youre acting like me saying what youre doing is anti-town, is me saying that you are anti-town is kinda weirding me out? I’ll just hope its a misscommunication

How does it nyalter my content? I spend maybe 5 seconds extra fitting in puns after typing the post, but it does nyat chyange my content.

And even if your assertion is true, how is it a bad thing to spend time anyalizing what you post?

The fact youre acting like me saying what youre doing is anti-town, is me saying that you are anti-town is kinda weirding me out? I’ll just hope its a miscommunication

let me post for fucks sake