Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!


You said I could be but didnā€™t go in to why

Mind doing that?

Yes maā€™am (or sir)

Accused Voting Votes
ChibiCat CatgirlCopvig, Nyan-chan 2/5
joycatgirl ChibiCat 1/5

hey look thread is alive while i was gone

Jester? I hardly know her.

Treat me as nyanbinary for now, I donā€™t know if we are allowed to specify gender in any ways so they works for now.

I can see a world where you came into the game upon randing knowing that people on this website absolutely despise alt gimmicks, especially ones where it affects the majority of your words, people hate them to the point where theyā€™re totally willing to policy you regardless of alignment.

nyan-chan and chibi cat interactionsā€¦
one of them is likely Jester.
thatā€™s my opinion

but isnt that youve been doing?


town never do anti-town things

I see, nyanbinaryism is based

re-evaluating is anti-town


They did it while meme posting. I only defended my typing quirk after directly chyallenged on it.


you literally edited it in I watched the word change and become nyaified right before my eyes

you are trying to gimmick :sob: like to the point where itā€™s unhealthy

my post was a joke if you couldnt tell by the jokes i posted in it, and the shitpost after it

you see
i agree that the gimmick is annoying
i disagree that it is AI
you certainly give off jester vibes tho, via pushing it

Iā€™m bad at detecting sarcasm.

see this is why chibi lock wolf

chibis are lame anyways, your catgirls should be thicc

what else am i supposed to do

make a bunch of NAI shitposts

you should always push stuff even if it has little ground, how else are you supposed to solve