Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

because town doesnt have all the time in the world?

says it doesnt alter her content then says she alters her content

I mean voting me for it gives that impression, which is what iā€™m operating under, but Iā€™m more so interested in how you are getting to your conclusyan. And I do still take it as an attack, as I would like to use this gimmick and will use this gimmick. I have the 3 seconds per post to spare :slight_smile:

But it does nyat alter my message or the meaning of my posts!!! ! ! It can be translated very easily back to english. Iā€™m struggling to see your perspective in where you say that it takes up enough time to make an impact, because I think it does nyat.

i really dont like how youā€™re scumreading me for a vote in the RVS. And why would you assume Iā€™m attacking you when I said I wasnā€™t? That doesnā€™t make sense? And I already explained why I came to my conclusion, alt gimmicks are an easy way for scum to make bad posts, and if a townplayer was doing an alt-gimmick I donā€™t think theyā€™d go out of their way to try to make their posts gimmicky. Theyā€™d just make gimmicky posts.

yes it does

if you alter what you type, it alters what youre sending to others thats how words work.

if it takes up any time, it has an impact.

This argument has taken up more time than typing in a few extra y-s would for the entire course of the game :slight_smile:

and thatā€™s a bad thing why?

inb4 this is a really good jester

I think this is a good way for others to get a read on our alignments.


no comments from the peanut gallery

dammit chibi Iā€™m supposed to be the top-poster


I do think we should talk about something else

cause i have a feeling this is just gonna be a ā€œalt gimmicks are dumbā€ ā€œthey arentā€ ā€œfuck youā€ ā€œfuck you tooā€ sort of argument

I donā€™t think it is. Iā€™m glyad to be talking even if itā€™s with someone whoā€™s perspective is tough to see and attacking me wanting to enjoy the game.

But I donā€™t think this is an example where literal seconds matter.


how about you give me a read on CatsTMGirl instead?

/unvote @Trochilidae @Italy

This might actually be jester lmao

ur mum jester

lmao get rekt bitch

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I love the fact thereā€™s literally just a girlcat account and the icon is a calico cat

The creativity blossomed out in this game

GTH mafya simply because they felt self-aware in justifying their memeposts

which felt off but is a light lean because this could be a tonyal quirk of the person and I havenā€™t gauged their posting style enough yet to tell.

I have like

No good read

Wouldnt b surprised if chibi was the jester here