Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

Strongly dislike nekomancer-chan’s LAMISTY additude. Seems incredibly played up to accomplish… something. I’d say it’s nyactually probably more jester-indicative than wolf-indicative at this point in time because it seems super comical.

This setup is frustrating because we can nyat just cuddle people we find immediately wolfy

purrely-chan is probably nyat jester just based on how their posts have been set up. Their goal does nyat really seem to be moving the thread against them, it’s pretty base solving which is a strange angle for the jester to take.

GTH it’s town mostly because I thought this post

was good and something I agree with and was a good counter to neko-chan’s defense and from my experience town tend to take this nyangle more often then nyat

Something I’m curious about is your original idea of giving our more agreed town members a cuddle up until day four.

you seem alone in thread lets talk

girlcat can join us too

M-Master will let me join?! :heart_eyes:

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i just noticed we had these cool custom titles

CatsTMGirl’s posts themselves are obtuse and i’m still nyat sure I can actually see their perspective but their frustration feels genuyan. I’ll try to figure out what exactly they were defending from and see if I can nyarrow down their likelihood of being jester/mafia/town

What’s up with your thread entrance

What about it? seemed like a shitpost to me.

oh i just wanted to say something

Acknowledged if when I read CatsTM-san’s ISO~

Fair enough
I thought it was vaguely weird to just post that and dip

It’s so frustrating to play this game

Anyone we sr we can immediately think “OH LOL HAHA THEY CAN BE JESTER”

And like, when we have to walk on eggshells to vote out people until d4, it’s genuinely infuriating lol

There’s a reason why people hate jester so much

Man my sleep schedule is getting fucked up

/vote CatsTMGirl

a fuller reasoning to come after I eat something, but basically their interaction with Nyan-chan felt like they were trying to be scummy on purpose, most likely partnered with Nyan-chan

At one point nyan said “it’s unoptimal for scum to act as jester” then accused CatsTMGirl of being jester, this feels like a teammate

Anyway jesterhunting bad

i just kinda wanna ignore jester ngl

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/vote CatsTMGirl @Trochilidae @Italy

You signed up for this game /shrug

Did I ask

Let me complain

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I have reads and opinions though from this morning