Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

On the other hand, this is not the best idea and it’s helpful for baseline analysis and stuff, it’s not good to actually base cuddle decisions on.

However, with no nightkill, stalling the game doesn’t really work or help the doggirls. If you say you’re jester, all you’re doing is locking yourself as non-town to either die or be cuddled to sleep D4-5

Interesting, for the first one

Disagree with the second one

At the moment I feel relatively comfortable saying NyanChan-chan and Purrelywholesome-chan aren’t jester because both of their approaches seem very solving-driven (which could come from dogs relatively often who have to set up for the long game) but don’t really seem made to warp people’s reads on them or put them on the block.

The issue is I don’t really mafya read either (especially not Nyan-chan-chan who I’ve decided I relatively confidently is town because their approach of beating content out of people unapologetically is >>rand town)

The jester is a part of the game and solving for it is very important early. Ignoring it is… possible, and probably leads to a higher % average of mafya taken out with our resources focused there, but is too big of a risk in my opinion when all the jester has to do is be in the worst 1/3 of players/


This is a good post. I like it.

/unvote @Trochilidae @Italy

Wait, am I even voting Chibi?

I didn’t see it as agressiveness, beating content out of people, but instead as hyperposting for the sake of posting? I think it deserves a re-read from me regardless


Oops, I don’t think I am… oh well :sweat_smile:

so since im just catching up, im probably going to break these up into small posts

I assume this was just you trying to get everyone in thread involved on on-topic game discussion.

Reason why im pointing these two out is because you broke these up into two posts - this indicates that you thought of catgirl and joycat first and then remembered nekomancer. I don’t know what question I should ask here but… maybe ill just let you respond to this post

I’d look over the interaction with CatsTMGirl-chan again (and the opening ones talking to me, too). The posting seemed very much deliberate. A little excessive but knowing this forums I don’t see it as incedibly likely deliberate.

me - joycat
town probably- girlcat, bakeneko
dont really feel like exeing so like either light town or jester feel- chibi, purr
idk how to feel abt u- copvig, nyan
willing to execute- catstm, nekomancer


Mafia will want to avoid jester-lynching too thats something to consider

You misspelled it :newspaper_roll:

I was pinging everynyan in thread and forgot nekomancer was there until I scrolled up.

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What is towny about Baka-san?

Omg no I didn’t

Bakaneko, because they’re silly!