Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

yeah ill pull them up



Cool. What do you think of Joygirl

@joycatgirl any extra thoughts about Chibiā€™s slot?

@ChibiCat what about Bake?

still dont think nyan flips wolf

But Im doing a full re-eval tomorrow anyways

they look not as bad from the spew but comparatively i didnt analyze them as much
kinda hoping weā€™d get rid of them instead of purr because lol Ro3.

Letā€™s not let a tomorrow happen

Scums in chibi bake so letā€™s kill one and then the other if one flips town

Ok yeah I should probably wait itā€™s cuz I donā€™t want this to go on while I sleep

anyways i should probably go to sleep

just wanted to get my opinion down while I was lurking on my phone

I will re-eval tomorrow - but i think ill still probably conclude chibi best elim so therefore

we will showdown tomorrow, Chibi

good night

tomorrow IRL

I meant that

@Nyan-chan tomorrow

This makes Joygirl look better, just from a wagonalysis point of view

thatā€™s fine

What Joygirl has going for them.

1: Townie Mindmelds
2: Pushes seem very Townie
3: Wagonomics on Neko

Reading over BakeNekoā€™z ISO: I get generally good vibes from them. So therefore Iā€™m leaning towards Chibi. Iā€™ll ISO them tomorrow

Ok so I was typing up a wall ok joycatgirl but I left with more questions than conclusions at this rate so iā€™ve copypasted that somewhere seperate and will ask these firsts.

@joycatgirl can you explain how you got from a -> b on these reads?

theres a whole thing with them wolfreading and backing off nyan but iā€™m more interested in this

More interested in the 2nd one because it was a snapvote coming off of someone youā€™d previously said was unlikely mafia.
Was it just the adrenaline or wat.

(I also saw some confusing stuff with them townreading CatsTM early and then just quickhammering them but I think they misread a post asking for their read on CatsTM as a read on me because that post and followup seems to be things about me)

For anyone who cares

but I donā€™t think you are the last wolf :expressionless:

balls tell me itā€™s Chibi

but Iā€™m a catgirl so I donā€™t have any fuck

anyways going to bed