Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

I’d usually be basically an ic by now but such is the catgirl mask

Meh I’ve solved my ass of and I don’t particularly think I deserve to die but if I wake up dead I wish you luck in f3 and give my blessing to yeetus joycatgirl

if I wake up to the whole “not dead” thing joycatgirl will have hopefully answered my questions and I can get back to my wall and/or towncase of myself if I deem it necessary

if I dont wake up to answered questions I continue on to my wall anyways but with slightly less air cleared

I want to leave more of a legacy but this time I have to think


Idc if ur not mafia but I’m not mafia either

I meant to only answer on catstm and then I answered on u

I think much less when it’s F4/3 and it’s a horrible habit of minr

Well alright

That’s probably the best answer you could have given but I still don’t like it considering things

I’m not faulting anyone for CatsTM/Purrley/Copvig kills
those slots had to go

but for someone you’d previously called obvtown and said wasn’t mafia i’d expect some more restraint and it feels vaguely opportunistic.

bleh I feel like i’ve put in a ton of solving into this game but still feel unsatisfied/off at this moment


if bakeneko wants to go full thunderdome 'gainst me i’ll probably just put my efforts towards that and hope bake is woofing but my heart doesn’t lean that way


that one is for all the catgirls

is anyone else weirded out by the fact chibi has said this to joy like 3 times now

I don’t want to vote now, but I think that Chibi is the most likely to flip Wolf here

seems like I go down regardless lol

o7 good luck in f3 gay catgirls

bad post

convince me not to vote you

I mean

I expect to die today

everyone’s stated me as their top wolfread, I have no real idea how it got there.

But I’d consider myself a strong player

I’d like time to iron out my reads, at the very least.

I’m going to try to live, obviously.

But I can read the room and I can tell that’s unlikely to happen

So i’m focusing my efforts into the best way I think I can help town win.


if youre wondering if I want you to

I want you to

Basically I’m confident that Joygirl is town because of wagonomics and the fact they share a proven similar thought process to me. So therefore that leaves a Chivi and Bake thunderdome imo