Catgrill Night Jesterless - [2/7] - Jester won. Even two of them

i digress
you just sheepeed light without thinking y/n @Intensify

Iā€™ll be here


I donā€™t even know Lightā€™s reads I think


god damn im drunk lol

meant to say kyo lol

Stop being drunk and become undrunk

But I meanā€¦

Not really.

Like I said my PoE consists of everyone not Light or Kyo or myself right now cause everyone is treeā€™ing and doing very NAI thingd

Kyo said Light or Ami.

Obviously I pick you over Light.

ok @KyoDaz has rtht changed at all

I mean Iā€™m willing to settle with Gorta as well.

The slot hasnā€™t done much.

Marl is also a fine pick but itā€™s definitely a little better than Gortaā€™s slot

marl has some content (scuh as his cheese hate boner)

gorta just has ā€œyes i wll do thingā€ nd doesn dfo thing

I will do something though

I have done stuff

will do
or have done
which is it

I have made micro reads on almost every player

Thatā€™s almost a whole six people

But, either way, Iā€™m leaving gorta alone for today. He did stuff I didnā€™t absolutely loathe, so thatā€™s good enough for now.

@Aelin I really donā€™t see much difference in Ami this game vs RotK

ill give you fifteen seconds
how long would you say her iso is in RotK