Catgrill Night Jesterless - [2/7] - Jester won. Even two of them


/informed spec

how tf do you win this game if you arenā€™t a jester goon
/uninformed spec

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Roles are rolled and deliveriesā€¦ delievered?

Also eevee eevees eevee eevee.

Game will start soonā„¢.

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/informed spec

All rolecards are sent.

Game will start whenever @Geyde posts a bad meme in this topic.

Please do not post before game starts.




I think I can post now right?

Alright sweet absolutely no one is here at the moment.

I guess Iā€™ll head off and wait a while.

hi hello
so who be the IC

Wouldnā€™tā€¦ the IC want to hide a bit before revealing?

They can act as a really easy shield against nightkill if they get into towncore and is someone preferably scum wants to kill.

Itā€™s not like theyā€™ll die from being executed during the day either


ā€¦arenā€™t ICs like



Eevee didnā€™t really explain how the IC would work so I assume itā€™s not compulsive and they can just reveal at any time that they are the IC.

they can reveal as an action before we would try to yeet em
could make someone pushing on em look worse

only ICs Iā€™ve ever played with was getting forcibly revealed at D1 so

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Logically speaking, if IC was revealed at the start of the game then thereā€™s literally no reason to make them lynchproof in that case.

No oneā€™s gonna lynch the IC

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i was an ic who could reveal as an action in anni and i revealed like 3 pages in
it was a big meme