Catgrill Night Jesterless - [2/7] - Jester won. Even two of them

it was my first mash ever :wowee:

Wait actually thereā€™s a bunch of things that donā€™t make sense here

  1. Whatā€™s the order of actions, aka does scratching or grilling come first?

Say there is one IC, one scum and one cat Gaurd alive. If scum grills the Gaurd and cooks the IC, does the IC die or not the same night?

  1. Does Jester have to reach parity or actually eliminate every town?

  2. Wtf are those phases 5 minute night the hell

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going out for some time
bye yall

/vote Light
@Aelin you wonā€™t fly under my radar again :slightly_smiling_face:

@Ami this is our first fm game in like 3 years together lmao

lmao true holy fuck

No stap.

Bad marl.

I need to pocket Light again for the third time

/vote Marluxion

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I was the most active player day one :^)
I wasnā€™t going UTR, you just suck at reading me

muh post count

you were dead center poe

Then thatā€™s not really UTR either, hmm?

you were sliding just under the limbo bar of the radar :^)

I was like the second or third most active player but okay

under the radar doesnā€™t mean activity nerd

Youā€™re a nerd, nerd

Anyway, Iā€™m going to actually semi-try hard this game so Iā€™m going to stop this for now because Iā€™ve decided that itā€™s effect is minuscule.

Light who would you vote right now and why?

i would say that iā€™m also going to try hard this game but thatā€™s my secret
iā€™m always har-

Marluxion has been banned for innuendo use.

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