[CFM] Adiart Love Letter Mafia - Game end - town win

y no join

Not really in the mood for FM even if the setup is gr8



Have you ever played Love Letter the game before FK? Itā€™s really quite simple after you play like 15 minutes of it and if you understand Love Letter, this game is just cards from there turned into roles.
Also smh you play ToL and thatā€™s a billion times more complicated than this setup. UU:

I studied the Wikipedia like for 1-2 months before I got the actual game lol

also I havenā€™t played it

One more person needed!

@eevee could you edit my name in the OP? There is no 4 and I am not M4xwell from ToS forums haha

Suggestion priest cannot reveal to stop knight. Otherwise Priest is OP IC that cannot be killed. Nothing can force discard for Priest and nothing can kill it.

In other words if both priests end up in townā€™s hands scum lose no matter what.


Whoops missed that one but still OP.

Definitely very strong.
Itā€™s not IC though since cards are NAI.

Gonna sit this one out but have fun! :slight_smile:

darn we only need one player :^)

Itā€™s IC because itā€™s 0 power for mafia and forces a mafia to hold it or town win.

Make Priest vengeful if scum and it might work.

If we want to base it off the real game, Handmaid (which is Priest here) only works for a turn, so maybe protection for one cycle and then replaced with a card from the deck would be better?
Also as it currently stands, scum who roll it have a really good explanation for why they arenā€™t getting killed, and it could be a pretty easily mislynchable role because of that tbh.


I think that would work quite well

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That also works.