[CFM] Adiart Love Letter Mafia - Game end - town win

Why would they do this?
What’s the reason for them to want to kill the abstainer. It doesn’t help them at all, since they were already in a great position.

It’s introducing factors out of their control
I can’t see scum who voted Isaac doing that

Because this would leave 3 Isaac voters in lylo, not too hard to come out on top
Having an abstainer alive to bus is good too but the town Isaac may see through the noise and this is a dangerous risk for scum. They have more control in a 3 Isaac lylo than a 2 isaac 1 abstain.

They would be contending against the other Isaac voters in that case

This is a lesser risk to me.

It’s more difficult to survive there since there is no easy lynch

Of course. LyLo is never guaranteed.

But they intentionally take a weaker position for no discernable reason?

LyLo with a scummy player alive is far better than LyLo with all players being equally scummy

May not be weaker. With a powerful enough defense, abstainer can convince town Isaac of the truth far easier than an Isaac can another Isaac in final 3

Do you really think Simon/CuteAlch would plan around that

I don’t get how your proposition works
It’s like a Rube Goldberg

No. I think you could but I’m not prepared to target an Isaac voter before LyLo

Maybe even never

Kind of I guess

How I see it is that only an abstainer would do it since they were already scumread.
They need to make a big play in order to make it out.

Maybe Marg scumread Simon?

Actually they did at one point

I still can’t shake off the feeling though that killing Marg last night as compared to an Isaac voter is simply the indefensibly inferior move for an abstainer scum.

No way scum seriously believes marg can ace a defense today.