[CFM] Adiart Love Letter Mafia - Game end - town win

Unless we want to go deep into angleshoot territory and search if they made posts out of thread

Which is really far against the rules

Good point. They didnā€™t post here so we shouldnā€™t know.


I do think we should wait for them to come online before making a decision

I would agree.

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/vote Simon


Very much disgruntled waiting

I was waiting for the other two

/vote Simon

I donā€™t think CuteAlch is going to come online.
Soul said they would contact them but it doesnā€™t appear that thatā€™s happening

Aight so if we agree on a plan of action for tomorrow (that assumes I flip town) Iā€™ll hammer myself

We hang Maxwell if you flip town

This happens regardless of the night kill.

If Maxwell somehow dies (can only happen if Marg was lying about being Priest), then I think itā€™s Soul


If simon flips town, scum have likely won the game

I am not scum.

Itā€™s not MyLo

it will go their way if you stick with this theory until the end.

That depnds on Simonā€™s flip.
If Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™ll have to reconsider

@Maxwell do you believe that Simon will flip scum