[CFM] Adiart Love Letter Mafia - Game end - town win

There is so much apprehension around this lynch.
I’d expect that game ends here

he has expressed a willingness to hammer himself but has not done so yet
That said I believe he is off and do not doubt him
I am reworking for now

Who would bluff hammering themself

do you want to follow through anyway? if so I will and revote him

I believe that it is WIFOM
They can’t get out of the lynch unless they go with it

I want to go through with this lynch
It will end the game

I have my doubts but I’m not scum and I have faith in your ability to reconsider in the endgame if necessary.
/vote Simon
please come hammer yourself now.

If I’m priest how could I have swapped you

Marg could not have been telling the truth.
There was a maf kill every night.

Unless you can see hunter from the past, somewhere.

With your consideration of the rules, I’m surprised you passed over this

My consideration of the rules? My failure to be fully considerate of the rules has gotten me modkilled twice before and it seems I completely missed this.

I’m talking about how you seem to know how all the cards work, so it’s strange how you didn’t know the swap mechanic

I looked specifically at the card paragraph for clarification because I needed that.

I even mentioned it earlier

I’m not sure you could have missed it

Then I did not notice.

I don’t think I should derpclear you based on that is the point I’m getting at

you should know by now not to underestimate what I can fail to remember regarding rules.

I have been priest the entire game and powerless to do anything at night.

I understand you can’t derpclear me but I wanted to point this out as it’s the truth.


That’s why I’m not hanging you today