[CFM] Adiart Love Letter Mafia - Game end - town win

Join u pu55y



R u free from working and traveling or something

Im in germany but im bored and i love love letter fm so may aswell join

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I always check the forums every few days but never post normally


wait r u actually going around the world and traveling

where have you been to

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also how’s Germany

No now im a student again but i still work for a charity which lets me travel alot (and makes it hard to be reliably active here)

Also join this is a good setup

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Is this game flipless?

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What if we run out of cards?

Why was my name spelled with a 4 in the signup post?

i think its set up that that never happens

Ye it is

how would you go to draw another card, and there be none left?

Can’t happen bc 9 cards are irreplaceable

so it will never be a problem

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y no join

Not really in the mood for FM even if the setup is gr8