Invitation to Mafia Championship (Season 6) - Voting Phase II!

missed opportunity to say no u tbh

We want to give the competition a chance of winning.
Also I don’t think they have the time to do it.

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Memesky says no just as much as they say no u

Then you’d scumfirm me! /joke

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No u

Let him step down himself if he must :roll_eyes:


/nominate Hjasik : )

She is the best candidate obviously

Samesies, I’ll respectfully decline my nomination, but thank you.

I’d rather spend the time that I have actually playing/hosting on this site.

Are you up for it Litten? :eyes:

/vote Kitten, deathtunnel them out for me!

Which game did I sweep mafia again

It’s not me who’s wrong
It’s the world around me that’s wrong
And that’s why I am here to fix it

What’s your alt accounts on other sites :thinking:


PM me them and I may vote you over cat :wink:

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/nominate FK

Mine is Roundabout on MU. hides

If no one else wants it I shall take it :slight_smile: I will just have to figure something out for the Alice game

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I vote for either FK or Orange I’m happy with either if either wanna do it.

Ici would be dees too.

Unnominate myself I’m too busy but cheers.


Obviously if memesky wants to i legit think we shld let him do it no jokes.

Just imagine.