[CFM2] Banned Chat

But also its gonna trigger me explaining things to so many ppl

Iā€™m at least gonnan wait till light is dead

Oh fuck Alice has turned feral

Town are being hella thick tbh I dont blame her

If I come back thatā€™s gonna be me too lmao


Iā€™m a fucking miller

Fuck sake lmao

Iā€™m so glad I told geyde Iā€™m millee before he left. Thatā€™s why geyde isnt pushing light it makes sense now lol

Hey that means ur confirmed town if lights for real so geyde is legit

Not geyde us legit, geyde shld revive u

Okay so I can either spend my time reading thread to know whatā€™s up when I return or I can edit a song with all our faces on to mark my triumphant return

I know what I must do

I like it how no one asked why I did this random post with no context lol

I feel like I can literally say anything and no one questions it cuz they have such low standards for me lol

I think kyo is mafia who knows there are no neutrals. @Marshal (and @geyde when he here)

Hes not doing anything with the info he has or pushing anyone

Okay so @marshall everyone is still discussing u and me and I think we can prolly figure out who has TMI or agenda considering we know what truly happened and no one else does.

  1. light is likely legit. We would have come up as different alignments which is not a safe assumption to make - I think most would think were both town. I think light likely did check me then you (makes sense with past meta of checking u/alice) and as a result is town.
  2. PKRs role sounds dumb as fuck BUT I dont see why mafia would watch their night kill (assuming light inno) and he does claim his role gets stronger later. Maybe later he sees all visits. He at least has a consistent claim.
  3. I think kyo is most likely scum out of 3. He knows there are no neutrals as mafia may be informed of it. But theres also easily a world where kyo is town too.

I think most of if not all 3 or them are town, and Iā€™m susp of ppl pushing dome.

Honestly I disagree with everything Alice is saying, I think she might be bad.

She also did a peak post of ā€œmarshall had same reads as me but louder, thatā€™s why he dedā€ which seems to be covering for the ā€œwhy I wasnt nightkilledā€ from a wolf.

Solic doesnā€™t seem that scummy to me.