[CFM2] Banned Chat

I think trustworthy cld die.

But also I’m not paying much attention so let’s discuss and then I’ll go back and hit them with some info bombs.

U know I actually do think Alice is mafia I’ve hated all her posts today

I wanted to do a dramatic return d3 or later but I feel like too much shit is going on around me and u and I dont want town to be actually super damaged by my dumb joke so I’m probably gonna return soon. I just want ur thoughts @Marshal

N.1 may be tming me as town?

Idk tell me some thoughts when u get on

tbh i’d be fine with you going back in

your voice is super important and it’s not like you gain that much by waiting

do you still get to do night actions/day actions when you are in here

All they’re talking about is me as yakuza for 1500 posts lol

No lol I do nothing

Once you’ve read tell me some thoughts and who I shld push cuz tbh I’m p unsure on who’s bad. But lights gonna die soon and I think that’s a mistake given his info is correct

with you being a miller you have to stop all shots at light

Also yah the PKR claim hate is kind of bad. Like he did end up finding someone who visited the nightkill

and iirc there was that exact role in anime FM

feel free to claim that I was a miller to avoid anticlaim btw

Yeah I might do that

Who shld immediately be pushed u reckon?

I was gonna make a meme music video of my return and now I cant :sob::sob::sob:

I think kyo’s claim as a mechanics oracle is more likely than not bullshit

also seeing as Crich kind of CCs

also SDA is like really not looking good

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yeah i think kyo is gonna be my push too.

so i’d probably go for SDA/Kyo immediately and go from there

lemme read N.1’s iso to see if he’s TMIing you villa

imma right a quick FAQ that imma copy and paste to avoid everyone asking me a fuck ton of questions lol

I don’t think he’s TMIing you villager right now

he’s using the tinfoil that you are neut to push kyo