FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)


oops /in lol

greetingze nutellei

im going to try to run a quick iso on nutella before event start

That’ll be an /in from me, chief.

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/vote Vulgard

na → nya

i have forgot all meta i have had on nutellei but their posting isn’t atypical for a mash villager
they dont feel obviously lacking but they also don’t feel obviously sparky

Event Signups

  1. katze
  2. Nightingale
  3. Joker
  4. Marshal
  5. Mistyx
  6. TrustworthyLiberal
  7. Nutella
  8. Tangeld

If your signup was missed, DM the hosts.

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rip Psyx

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dude wrong chat

Yeah…I’m also going to go into hiatus after this game (social battery reasons; I easily feel tired after talking to people recently) so I’m not sure when we’ll play another game again >.<


Is something happening??

(nothing to be sorry about nya)

the world is ending

an event

Oh, and good afternoon guys! (^^)/
