FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

I feel bad for Marl, I feel like they should’ve been given something else than a cat post restriction (if that’s what it is lmao)

i made @nutella think i was a PR so the wolves meowdered me

you just commented on the existence of my vulgard wall

voted vulgard

and are now leaving


art hype tomorrow or something

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i’m not outing my role but if 50% of my posts dont have a cat related pun or noise i cannot act at nyaight

im shutting up about vulgard

/vote Tangeld

ive determined that my wife is mafia

Alright, gotcha.

I’m so sorry for how you have to play this game lmao

I never said it existed I said I never saw it bra

Would you rather me no vote can do that to xD

he’s not the only one though :thinking:

I haven’t noticed anyone else but having to act as a cat seems the most painful thing to do in a game

it’s pretty fun actually but that’s why you’re gonna see a bunch of posts where i forget and then immediately ‘nya’ after to keep the balance, nya

meowluxion is becoming a sleeper katzen

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haiku post restriction is way worse, meow

Does it have to be exactly 50% as the balance or can it be more than 50%

this is literally the only reason I’m on rn

meowre than 50%

does somebody have that

or was that in an older game

it sounds vaguely familiar

I pinned it will look when I wake up work in 5 hours brain work not


/vote Wazza

I feel sorry for you

Pat pat