Change occupied and prevented notifications

I believe that if you are not able to perform your night action, whether you were occupied or prevented from visiting them, you should get the same message. “You were unable to perform your night action.” or something similar. I believe this could give scum more options when writing their fake logs, as well as make social deduction more important. For example, if you know someone tried to visit a jailed target, you can write in your logs that you occupied them. This could also help add more abilities that prevent visits in the future without making them too confirmable.


InB4 MM gets hanged for not saying he was prevented by the bulter.

tbf MM gets told when somebody tries to occupy them

MM and other occ immune players should still see if someone tried to occupy them.

Why should, for example, a Hunter know?

What purpose does that serve?

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So I would propose that you are not told if you are occupied when not preforming an action nor are you told about a redirect attempt on a non-targeting ability

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I propose