Chaos Town FM Town wins!

The way I do.
Which is, talk and vote and laugh and things.
Which, you gotta admit, is nothing like how you guys play.

No it is, but in between the laughing and voting we try and think why people do what they do, and deduce if thatā€™s evil or not

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Vote Count Bot Activated

Minho-James Magnus-2/7
James-Datbird Geyde Possessed Magnus-4/7

Day Ends when this timer reaches 0.

Not counting the ones I wasnā€™t pinged in

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Nothing wrong with making jokes, Magnus. Howeverā€¦sometimes you gotta show us we can take you seriously.

@Magnus would love an answer to this

Which part?


Possessed is scum in my opinion because she seems to be constantly on, talking to appear not suspicious, but did nothing useful until someone started to push on her.
(Which was me, I believe)

And no, I was sleeping. I saw a little bit, though.

Possessed is a guy Iā€™m pretty sure


That icon is Braids :stuck_out_tongue:

And was that similiar or different to this game from what you saw?

Oh Oka.

I believe he said it was a meta read on my previous scum games originally.

Pretty similar, and in that game you were good boi.

Which game was it just curious

I donā€™t know if we can talk about ongoing games btw.

Well I told him old games, so Iā€™d expect itā€™s not ongoing

Luigi mansion.

Iā€™ve only had one scum game :blush: