Chaos Town FM Town wins!

I’m physically never scum.

Any role can belong to any alignment. I even rolled the roles before I knew the alignments

So be it then!

I’m not scum guys, I’m just a traitor!

Woohoo! Traitor here!

Yippee! That’s right! I’m a Traitor!

Is that what you wanted me to say.

Am I allowed to ask this: Are roles exclusive @NuclearBurrito? If not, don’t answer.

Wazza basically just outted as traitor btw

Did he?

Yup! I did! And it sure as hell felt amazing!

/vote htm @Kirefitten

No one would believe I’m Traitor from those words.


No. Only the traitor has a mechanical difference from any other player

Traitor can role block

If you’ve ever played a game with me, which you have, you know I do this all the time.

Are you really though?

-Thor expression-

Have I ever played a game with you :thinking:

Yes. Quite a few, actually.

please keep future questions to your DMs

No I worded that wrong @NuclearBurrito…are roles unique?

All roles are unique

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