Chaos Town FM Town wins!

This reads very sheep-y to me. If I had to pinpoint scum, my lead is definitely James.

Whats your favorite flavor of Capri Sun?


Thereā€™s no guarantee of finding mafia, as we canā€™t find alignments. The best we can do is calculate odds.

Literally 4 scum in this game and you seem to like the conclusions Magnus is making

That eliminates 2 people from sus

You have a 40% chance of lynching scum from there from your PoV

I donā€™t consume American capri suns, as I donā€™t live in the United States. Therefore, I have never tasted it,.

I donā€™t think you are looking at things from the right perspective if 5% is your conclusion

Indeed. I trust us three, geyde and Magnus and I. Unfortunately, we canā€™t speak privately.

Ah thats a shame its one of my favorite summer drinks, do you have a favorite summer drink?

Why am I townread for existing

Ew to both Magnus/James

Why are you speaking about things unrelated to this

Thatā€™s pretty bold to have a townblock that early, James. What makes you think those two are townlock?

Almost like James/Magnus are coordinating hard with each other

Knowing a persons favorite flavor tells me a lot about you, helps me read you. Certain favorite flavors like apple for instance usually refers to a more open minded person. Since I have never played with you I was hoping to learn more about you. But if you donā€™t have a favorite drink its fine

Oh no. I am prepared to be wrong.

Your malicious intent is visible. Quite potent too.

The fact that Magnus has nothing but incorrect meta reads on me has me worrisome. I donā€™t like to build townblocks D1.

James, on the other handā€¦is going full sheep mode. Thatā€™s usually implimented to stay hidden by voting with a TL.

But if you learn more about me you could read me like a book. Which isnā€™t necessarily a good thing in social deductions.

Thatā€™s my way of saying something is horribly wrong about progression and interactions that you both share.