Chaos Town FM Town wins!

A null answer is also another answer, and I have gotten what I needed from this questioning ty

Well, currently youā€™ve shown no evidence contrary to Magnus. So you need to counter him to even the scales.

Literal scumpost

Ok for realā€¦I need to go. Im being rude by being on my phone out in public.

/vote James

Oh no. In this game, Iā€™m Town, although you have no reason to trust me. But in later games, itā€™s best not To have revealed so much.

/vote James

Scumslipped and three other factors
Read a few posts ago

That post made zero sense for Town to post.

Dont hammer while Iā€™m.gone. At least one scum has to be lurking.

/vote James @Kirefitten (theres like three votes above this)

Except youā€™ve admitted yourself to not being entirely sure.
And thereā€™s always a chance Iā€™m agent, and by jailing me you do me a favour.

It seems to me that youā€™re lurking.

It seems to me you are lolcatting

Town that wants to be lynched

I donā€™t like to explain myself twice, so Iā€™ll make this brief.
Possessed is silently pitting us against eachother. My friends nickname people like that as Moles. They dont do the work themselves, instead making Good vote good. Makes sense if you look at her posts.

@Magnus your scum partner outed you, thnx for playing but this has been a good game

I pinged everyone in the game to ping me with their votes. Itā€™s a simple task people

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Also if you rolled Town you know you are Town. You shouldnā€™t be saying that you have a chance of being Town.

I said, ā€˜maybe.ā€™ Not, ā€˜yes.ā€™ Even dĆ©ception can be used as a tool.

i know but they forgot