Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

haha meta-clears printer go brrrrrrrr


but arete meta clear good!

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haha “herb” go bd kill

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haha scum redirect tp instead of convert

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haha king go “herb live”


What about “ToL” FM

meta-clear on villagers good

meta-clear on wolves bad

misclears + inactivity + villagers being wolfy

but whats the difference when hindsight isnt a factor

do you still not regret your decision to vig marshal d1

nobody would ever regret this tbh

that’s not what I said

however on balance there were more significant factors in town’s loss (even if we limit things to just ‘things that were Arete’s fault’)

also that counts as ‘villagers being wolfy’ because Marshal was being wolfy

Is creating a PM with everyone but you in it inherently wolfy
If not, what wolfy things did he do


i stand by this being hilarious and NAI

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Iso me in ToL FM, I had a couple of wallposts on why he was a wolf

Doing that without good reason was an action that made more sense from a wolf mindset than a villager mindset

seriously though

im not entirely sure how this can be applied to a live game


I maintain my opinion that with my definition of meta, it’s impossible to ever fully shield one-self from intensive, deep meta analysis

well i was hoping to see how well you could metaread me in JK9 but you never really delved into conclusions

and then i died

and then the game ended

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I never meta-read anyone that game lmao
Actually, I never even did any solving whatsoever
I just lazily got my slot town-locked by entering the game with a wallpost just as I had in Marson and compiling past game banks from a few people

And then town won due to a double whammy of laughable luck (winning the rand on Orange / Priestess and then DatBird / Wazza getting mechanically mis-cleared but luckily being VT)