Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

but it doesn’t make the fact that mass claim is still too good

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I think having more neutral/scum anti-claim mechanics could be a good thing

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right now the game is balanced such that is everyone from all factions is actually good, BD will win ~95 percent of the time

the main reason this doesn’t happen is that lots of players aren’t particularly good

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let starting scum kp choose between distract/bleed/strongmanifier if you can guess their glass


you have to adapt to average player lvl

Day anti-claim ability on Assassin/CL

Boom bye massclaim

always balance for the top level of play
not the average level of play

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no because then it will be unbalanced for like 90% of players wut

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I do wish ToL balanced for better play and players had to adapt

but it’s just not sustainable to get new players


they argue in most to nerf functions that most skilled players use that average player doesnt use/know about to lower gap between skills (cuz it doesnt as much hurt average player due to them not using them)

which doesnt really apply here because 1. average players rely more on feedback
2. these are very different types of game which makes that harder to apply here

i’m simply using the concept of trickle down
because iirc according to Arete noble can confirm all of bd by day 3

technically this depends on the brand

also it can’t confirm Prince but like

that should not typically require a Noble

no, it could be cheaters playing on multiple accounts to fake the existence of Prince!!!

So, if the Noble is off-brand it won’t work?

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Yea but it doesn’t really apply here because you are hurting performance of average relatively more

Also that like never happens

Off-brand nobles are Aristocrats



it’s a Russian plot!