Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

yeah i meant on this site specifically

and then it usually leads to a massclaim in setups with multiple PRs (tosfm2 had a d1 massclaim basically, and the only town motivated one imo was italy(cause he wasnt a PR); and the only PRs that didnt claim were Me/TBE/maybe PKR)

basically fuck massclaim, even though FoL is usually pretty solvable by it (which is probably a completely different problem on its own – but it could encourage bad habits)

Funny thing about ToS 2 mass claim. I was intending to play as a VT.

I can think of multiple super questionable plays from a bunch of “good players” which would have fucked someone like memesky up. Literaly last game I played in - If memesky had claimed neutral all game, done no reading, and shot at towncore as town everyone would go wild. Eevee does it and no one blinks. There’s a ton of examples like this of doublestandards (sorry to call eevee out on it, just the most recent one that happened there’s plenty more examples of others).


And then I got lynched over the actual wolf because I “didn’t have claimspace” despite that we had FPS’ing villagers, 3ps, and wolves fakeclaiming PRs.

A lot of people were mad with Eevee for his play there.

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i mean admittedly i was guilty of lynching you because of this (since i was yet another unclaimed PR)

i wasn’t entirely sure how to handle the situation and in hindsight the better play was probably to lynch the wolfy player and see how long you lived?

but that’s a lesson for a future game

You could have lynched Marshal when I told the town to do so in ToS 2.

Marshal would never be a wolf CC’ing a Vet d1.

i could have

but the case for lynching marshal was less convincing than lynching literally any other prominent wagon that day

Not nearly as much tho. And like that stuff actually happens all the time, like most games i think “if a newer player or memer had done that everyone wld hate them”. It’s why I’d like an anonymous game, not so ppl don’t rely on meta, but so some people look at the hypocrisy of what they sometimes do in games.

He had no reason to push on the mayor unless it was from a wolf PoV.

This is true considering what happened in Hell in a Cell, but I don’t think Eevee would ever do some stupid shit like that considering how PR covers work in low-powered setups.

How would he know you were the mayor?

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A mayor would usually talk towny enough, yet try to stay in the shadows a little. Which is what I was trying to do.

Don’t expect people to be able to read your thoughts :eyes:
And if people can read your thoughts, wolves can it as well

And it worked

I got quicklynched

Then light shot not an outed wolf


I think your case is yet another one regarding people not knowing how to read FPS’es.

He would have suspected I was a Town PR pretending to be a VT.

derps claimed cop with a n0 on light on D1 and then later claims mason cop with light

how the hell did he get lynched his play made so much sense


There was no way he randomly pushed on me as executioner, unless he thought I was a town PR.