Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

they would have won if Alice wasn’t an nk

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Am I in an alternate dimension or something

im talking about the death event

If I survived N2, I’d out my mech information on D3 and based on wagonomics. Alice is implicated as NK.
Boom bye NK.

I get that

then what

why does it feel like you’re in an alternate dimension @Geyde

don’t ask

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Also reminder that I hard bus a lot, 'member Cursed Images?


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o kurwa

I love running over my friends with busses



at least i tried

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i did

i was the one spamming “lol leafia scum towncore compromised” a lot but i was too tunneled in on leafia to really consider or acknowledge anyone else

i think i was too set/reliant on leafia’s flip before doing anything else tbh

I think it was less that town was garbage and more that town didn’t listen to each other. Some people had the right idea, but were unable to convince the others because of all the yelling that went on.

Wolves obviously contributed to the heated atmosphere, especially Alice with her aggressive language and 3p agenda. That didn’t help. Nevertheless, it was an unhealthy environment for the villagers, which obviously contributed to the loss.

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dude i suck at analyzing when someone is trying to push an agena vs a misguided or misinformed townie how do i improve on that

It was obvious the game was going to suck for town when Leafia and Napoleon were sucking the oxygen out of the thread. Then Leafia was at it again with Alice.
Yeah not the best town game I’ve seen.

A general sign of agenda is that somebody takes a singular scummy thing (or a few) and pushes them into oblivion regardless of all the villagery things their target has done.

By default, agenda is based on ignoring what is towny and exaggerating what is scummy. Which is how you can find a player pushing agenda. By realizing that they are ignoring towny things and they stubbornly refuse to re-evaluate/change their mind. It’s kinda similar to tunnelling in that sense.

The way you can differentiate between tunnelling town / agenda-pushing mafia is… frankly, it can be difficult sometimes, but it can be done. A common sign I am aware of is the following:

Agenda-pushers decide a player is scum before pushing their agenda, which can be seen in their posts (the assumption comes before analysis). With tunnelers, they generally reach their conclusion within the thread – there is actual progression. The difference lies in the TMI. An agenda-pushing wolf does not make a read, they simply justify a “scumread,” which means that “this player is scum” is a “conclusion” they reach before any “analysis.” With tunnelling town, they reach the eventual conclusion after analysis/interaction within the thread and start pushing based on that.

Also, agenda-pushers deliberately ignore the signs of towniness of the player they are pushing, meanwhile a tunnelling villager simply does not see them (because they are tunnelling). This is more difficult to see, but sometimes, it can be seen. There can be a difference in tone (tunnelling town is more reckless, more overtly silly in their push and less inclined to consider things), content, and more.

I’d give you specific examples, but there are too many. Even in this game.


I probably would have voiced suspicion on Alice D3 if I lived.
Sadly I get to watch Alice win the game solo while the town are running around like headless chickens, and the mafia had a mass die off from event 3.