Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

i suppose removing a VT in exchange for an IC in every setup is… a move

but then doing a NL becomes optimal since even number of players

If we run a Mountainous 13r we need to swap a vanilla townie out for a desperado

Or maybe we should just have a one-time modpeek that a majority of players can vote on someone with

i feel like you’re missing my joke

that the desperado will misfire in every setup

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Mountainous 13er is already considered slightly scumsided

Like even on MU they run Mountainous as 15p

you know what’s a Good Set-up


i miss 15p mountainous

hasn’t town won like… 3 of the champs games this year

champs is wolf-sided by its very nature

Town did a little better in test games

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two games had a modkill (in games that would otherwise have been extremely close)

a third game had to end early

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JOAT^2 is on queue soon so maybe i’ll see what its like to soft JOAT as wolf in a setup with two of them :^)

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remember folks

if Game 6 taught us anything

exe all JoaTs

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tbh i missed this and i think its probably one of the bigger problems on site

i’ll refer you to my first post of FoL28

the amount of regrets i have for not saving that for JOAT9 or JOAT^2 is a big number


tim hortons

tbf our meta is much closer to MU’s meta than MS’s meta

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that may be true (ive seen exactly 0 MS games)

but i wasn’t really thinking meta when i posted that

our standard phase length is 48/24
MS’s standard phase length is 2 Fucking Weeks/48

I think I’d get bored hosting such a game, let alone playing it

like basically, differences in balance in our setups aren’t as extreme as we think they are
also, we tried every setup being villagesided
let’s not do that again

i dont think setup balance is the real problem

i think townsided setups are a iffy/temporary solution to the problem that “town play bad”

differences in meta aren’t about being more or less v or w sided, it’s more about adjusting more subtle aspects of the game, at least in the case of closed setups.