Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

you have to think carefully about adding modposters, because people are so tonally distinct

on the other hand, you can actually probably get away with the Even/Odd Tracker/Watcher pair thing because i’m like
literally the only person who i’ve ever seen mention that trope on this site

there are other design tropes, of course
like there being two vigilantes who are both gated in some complimentary way that makes them add up to roughly 1 kpn

but yes
adapting the setup to this site is a good idea
that does not mean “just add a desperado to it lol”

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odd night dayvig
even day nightvig

wait these would be good GI classes

hammer 15 minutes into day start is the only real way to play f3

actually that should make him more town than not because what kind of wolf does nothing in final 3
if the other two town find each other the wolf just gets yeeted
you gotta prevent them from finding each other

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i have seen a wolf do nothing in final 3 exactly once and it was a known slanker as either alignment so it wasn’t exactly being a wolf that made him silent

Big-brain move is to self-vote in LyLo because you believe the other players to be townier than you.


Exactly. Wasn’t that Italy’s Meta to slank as well?

Especially in a F3 lylo

Italy is the easiest meta read ever.
If he cares about the game to any degree, he’s >>>>>> rand town.
If he’s just shitposting on occasion, or not posting at all, he’s >>>>>>> rand scum.
It’s such a strong tell that you can lock him as town if he writes ten game-relevant posts in a single day. The lowest bar ever. But it works for him.


Does it really though


As far as I could tell, he couldn’t even be bothered to make any scumreads when he was pinged specifically for them

Italy can easily carry the game for town, when it’s mechanically solvable.

That’s not a good caveat

Since a lot of people here even fail to read their own classcard correctly, that’s actually a rare ability.


It’s not foolproof
He was in his scum meta in BotF III

no reads are foolproof




can we like
delet this thread
make it useless

we always go “okay so doing x is a terrible fucking idea let’s stop” and then nobody does

we managed to not claim in insurgency
what if we just keep… doing that? eh?

We have decided that slanking is super bad and people can’t do that
what if we had higher standards for post #s
Or we just yelled at people for slanking more

we agree that meta is not a reliable way of reading
what if we just

we agree that explaining reads good
but we don’t… do that

we agree hyperposting bad
but people do it anyways

we agree that terrible reactiontests are just that. Terrible.

i see nobody strongly enforcing all of these things that we know is super anti town
I tried to with frankie. I pleaded for people to stop hyperposting. I got light to explain his read ended ended up not only townleaning him for it but agreeing with his read, which was correct.

And people hated it

the way I did it was slightly unintentionally condescending (sorry conroy) but it was like a protown move

and the thing itself was protown

I spent a large part of that game calling people out for doing things like bad RTs, hyperposting, not explaining reads, and hyperposting

and I would like to not have to do it

This thread will only ever be useful if people actually try to improve.

I have tried

will y’all?

rant over