Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) šŸ˜¹

like, derps made basically no reads on anyone

and tbf gorta was fairly fixated on your slot

but like

I thought I focused a lot on people that were not orange

hey anyway this is probably not the thread unless the direction changes quick

I mean, I literally came into the day thinking your slot was town (against the opinion of my team)

I wouldnā€™t have wound up with a ā€˜locktown never cuddle take this to F4ā€™ level of read but if youā€™d actually ā€¦ answered my questions at all ā€¦ I probably would have tunnelled you less

and ā€“ it feels kind of hypocritical, for you to say that I should have been doing exactly the kind of gamesolving you wanted me to but that you refusing to answer basic questions is totally reasonable and means that us tunnelling you is entirely our fault

we were solvable off of our D1 + D2 play

like yes I am aware that my play sucked that game, and was aware at the time that this was the case

but interacting with your slot that game felt kind of like ā€“

letā€™s say there was a team dance competition, right, and all the dance teams are judging each other for some reason

and the first two people on my dance team come on, and do really amazing dances

and then I come on, and I have a broken leg, so my dancing kind of sucks, and while Iā€™m busy feeling guilty about letting down my team because of the whole ā€˜broken legā€™ thing your team is like ā€˜wow your dancing sucks, I bet no one on your team can danceā€™

and Iā€™m like ā€˜okay look, I get that my dancing sucks what with the broken leg thing but clearly some people on my team can dance, look at the other two, can you maybe talk about their dancingā€™

and youā€™re like ā€˜ARETE WHY ARENā€™T YOU DANCINGā€™

and Iā€™m like ā€˜does the fact that my teammates are both demonstrably good dancers influence your thoughts here at allā€™

and youā€™re like ā€˜ARETE THATā€™S NOT DANCINGā€™

and meanwhile Iā€™m like ā€˜okay, I also want to figure out how good your team is at dancing, since weā€™re supposed to judge you tooā€™

and youā€™re like ā€˜Iā€™ll dance laterā€™ and then never dance

and like

obviously saying ā€˜Arete is doing a sucky job of dancingā€™ is totally reasonable there


the broken leg is a metaphor I didnā€™t actually have a broken leg

I mean

I think it is somewhat valuable even if argumenty

because itā€™s 2 townies that went wrong and we are trying to figure out why

I had given up on winning the competition, I knew we were getting booted soon

i was just there to try to find the best dancers

the other dancers were moving too fast for me to see, I could have rewatched the recording but I still would not have felt confident in trying to discern their dancing level

and I know the dances you do and might have been able to figure out if you were a good dancer

but you were just jumping up and down repeatedly, so I didnā€™t know if you could dance or not. You were still exercising, (aka, I do think you could have given reads on not me people), but I couldnā€™t figure out if you could dance

like, I didnā€™t feel confident in my read on your slot. I liked how orange handled some of his pushes but when I said that he fucking laughed at it so I dismissed it

I thought sb was slightly villagery but I know very little about sb and I wasnā€™t that closely following d2

I was really trying to focus on you, and you werenā€™t doing things I could like really solve on

therefore I didnā€™t have your slot as hard town

yes, I was not making myself solveable either, and yes itā€™s hypocritical, but I had like, specifically stated that I wanted my slot to get vigged and so I was not putting forth an effort to be solveable

like even if you tunneled me less
we still had super low posting d2 and d3, and would have super low posting d5 and d6 and almost definitely be dead by then

so I was not interested in making our slot easier to solve to you, and I was not interested in you explaining your read on me more, because I wanted your takes on other people, to see if I could read you off of thought process and logic (and, like, tell the thread if your logic checked out and was towny)

but you werenā€™t doing that and so I didnā€™t TR your slot

like if you werenā€™t following thread or just didnā€™t have personal reads on not-me people you could have said that


you had not made it clear that you were unwilling or unable to provide that, so I kept pressing for it

okay so this is going to break the metaphor a lot

but like

to a certain extent, me focusing so much on trying to solve your slot was like, me trying to do a specific dance that used mostly my arms, so that the broken leg didnā€™t matter as much

except when I tried to do that dance you were like ā€˜but we donā€™t want to see the arm dance, we want to see other dancesā€™

and I was trying to force myself to do other dances, and I really thought that Iā€™d be able to, I wasnā€™t about to just give up, except ā€¦ my metaphorical leg was broken ā€¦ so every time I tried to do them it kept not working


thatā€™s fine

but I didnā€™t know your leg was broken

so I didnā€™t know you couldnā€™t do the dances

also like

a lot of the reads where I was like ā€˜my team thinks Xā€™ without specifying a teammate were takes from me, or largely from me, which Iā€™m pretty sure I said

but you were like ā€˜oh those donā€™t count for evaluating your dancing skill, theyā€™re group dancesā€™

I mean yes

I canā€™t accurately evaluate things as well when you say ā€œwe think xā€

even if you specifically think x, I donā€™t know how much involved you were in it

and like

I canā€™t accurately read you on thoughts and logic with that

guys wtf is this even anymore

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I plan to turn it around to townplay eventually


I want to at least resolve this first

ah yes town just won a game lets see the valuable lessons we can learn

reads up

mmm yes i need to break aretes leg


okay but like

you were like

ā€˜Areteā€™s team sucks at dancing, Arete isnā€™t even giving us any dances to work withā€™

and Iā€™m like ā€˜here are the group dances that Iā€™ve done, here are the arm-specific dances Iā€™ve done, here are my two teammatesā€™ dances, here are some recordings my teammates gave to me of their dancing, here are all the questions Iā€™m asking other people to evaluate their dancing skill (which show that I have knowledge of dancing)ā€™

and youā€™re like ā€˜but we want SPECIFICALLY dances done with Areteā€™s LEGS with no other people as part of the danceā€™

and Iā€™m like ā€˜Marshalā€™s team clearly isnā€™t trying to actually figure out how good we are at dancing, theyā€™re completely ignoring all the information weā€™ve given them to evaluate our dancing skillā€™

and then you got mad at us for saying that you werenā€™t trying to figure out how good we are at dancing because actually it was just inexplicably super important to you to specifically have specifically dances that only I was a part of, and that used specific styles of dancing

The fuck are yā€™all talking about

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The intiative to improve dancing on this site


yes but

I did not think that the not legs dancing was compelling evidence

I had a very light TR on your slot for some of the things you presented

but I donā€™t find the ā€œgroup dancesā€ to be in any way out of your wolfrange (because your teammates could just tell you to say that, and through the filter of another person it becomes even harder to read

ā€œorange and SB say thisā€ is very difficult to read

and ā€œwe think thisā€ doesnā€™t help much either

and you reading our slot was hard to get a read on, I was biased and the things you had already said about our slot were not fakeable

i wanted something else, I had no indication that you could not provide it, and when you did not provide it I said that I could not read your slot further.

what iā€™m trying to say is that I told you what you could do to help me read your slot and you didnā€™t do it.

If you couldnā€™t, thatā€™s fine, but you never told me that you werenā€™t able to provide reads on other slots, so I felt like you were just dodging it

and so I think that ā€œmarshal should not be nullreading usā€ argument was silly, because I asked you to do things to make me not nullread you and you ignored those requests.

I did not feel confident reading sb or orange, and I did not find you saying things from teamchat to be at all out of your wolfrange

so you can say your slot was obvtown, I did not think so, I tried to fix that but you didnā€™t let me know that you wouldnā€™t be able to help me with that

Iā€™m done arguing, because I like you and I donā€™t like arguing with you, and because I want to loop around to the moral of the story, or something in my next post

well see I was busy trying to convince myself that actually my leg wasnā€™t broken