Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) šŸ˜¹

Simple advice:

Kill all open-wolves immediately. Either lynch them or send them right to the prison cell/vig them (unless there is a possibility that it can be countered or it might not be optimal, in which you just lynch them)

So yeah kill openwolves immediately

Especially if itā€™s Alice



submit actions



and now that thatā€™s overā€¦

This post wonā€™t be pretty. I donā€™t want anybody Iā€™m talking about to feel like this is a witchhunt, but there are lessons to be learned from this. I apologize if anyone feels targeted from this, as my intent here is to stop bad things from happening again. Most of these lessons arenā€™t exclusive to this game.

Disclaimer: I do not claim to have all of the right answers. This post is highly subjective. I do, however, believe that all of the main points are approaching objectivity.


The fact that not once, but twice during this game we had villagers submitting night actions too late in VERY pivotal moments isā€¦ sigh. I get that things happen. Things come up. Life gets busy. Shit happens, Iā€™m not going to pretend that this is a crime nobody can ever commit for a reason literally ever. But when your night action is decided before night even starts, taking a minute aside to submit your already predetermined action (or pre-queueing it before the day ends if the host allows it) shouldnā€™t be that much to ask of a player in a span of 23 hours. Relevant video.


This is somewhat less excusable. This should be common sense. When somebody is literally openwolfing, especially in a setup that is guaranteed to have no funny third parties, you kill them. We had two situations where lolcatters escaped the execution. Both times the suggested counterwagon hit a villager. TWICE.

The first time it happened it might have ended up being +EV, but this was because of a hero play that removed said playersā€™ death immunity and the fact town had ~5 KP that night. You canā€™t account for that in other games.

The second time was an outright fucking atrocity. The game was solved. The team was in your hands. One of them starts openwolfing and lolcatting. Town has no killpower outside of the execution today. KILL THE OPENWOLFER!!!

Unless thereā€™s a mechanical advantage to not killing a very specific wolf (eg: FoL Unseen), there should never be a debate here. In this scenario there was no advantage to killing one wolf over the other. The outcome was the same, the Scum Killer would promote into the Converter if you killed the Converter, and the Converter would stay as the Converter if the Killer died.


This applies tenfold if youā€™re attempting to solve a game mechanically.

This specific note may not have had noticeable impact to the players, because nobody actually knew it happened, but this mistake was likely the nail in the coffin for town.

To avoid naming names, a certain player (player :joy_cat:) thought they used a night action on player Y when they actually acted on player X, which, when paired with another night action being used on them in attempts to confirm the other player (player :joy:), made player :joy_cat: think that they were unable to confirm player :joy:s action. They were.

To be clear, this is a very valid and easy mistake to make. But itā€™s an easy one to fix. Double check that shit.


This applies more and more the longer a game goes. The fact that the game deciding execute was done three hours into the day is ridiculous.

You have 48 hours. Not using even 24 is unacceptable when youā€™re approaching MyLo. The only exceptions to this would be likeā€¦ executing a literally outted wolf. Too bad you guys had none of those, right? wait


I donā€™t think thereā€™s more to even say here?

SCUMSLIPS ARENā€™T REAL ā€¦except when they are

This one is hard to go into specific without using player names, but Iā€™ll try.

Iā€™ll use :wolf:, :dog:, and :cat: in replacement of players for this.

Player :cat: speculates that a player (letā€™s call them :upside_down_face:) cannot be aligned with a dead wolf because player :upside_down_face: is claiming to have used a tracker ability on a player. However, player :cat: explains their case in a way that, at a glance, appears to be TMIing the dead wolf (who flipped as Generic Scum Killer) to having been exactly a specific wolf.

The issue lies in language barriers, as Player :cat: is not a native english speaker. Player :cat: is called out for TMIing the dead wolf. Coincidentally, Player :cat: had appeared to correctly guess the class of the dead wolf.

However, if you read their post closely, itā€™s a speculation post, clear as day. Their logic makes sense.

"Player :upside_down_face: cannot be the BD, because Player :upside_down_face: is claiming to be [CLASS], and the [BD CONVERT OF [CLASS]] would not have any information worth claiming because of the D1 execution.

However, not a single villager tried to consider this stance, and only saw it as TMI.

Player :cat: was sentenced to death for this, and was town.

Lesson: Coincidences happen. Speculation is not TMI. The language barrier between players can make posts appear different than intended, and when youā€™re accusing a post of TMI, you need to consider that deeply.

Player :dog: mistakenly makes a post that they would be a not match to a parity cop with a player who, while they flipped wolf, were tailored to appear as town.

The case against player :dog: is that they were either TMIing the wolf as not being tailored that night, or were TMIing themselves as the godfather of the other scum faction, although this doesnā€™t make very much sense as theyā€™d view themselves as always appearing town to investigative checks regardless.

To defend town for a moment here, this kind of slip is possible to come from a wolf. Hell, Iā€™d say this is a reasonable case to bring up. But in these circumstances, itā€™s shaky at best.

The problem here is that this is the type of slip a villager is prone to making. Instinctively, as a villager expects to not be a match with a wolf. And, even worse, for player :dog: to be a wolf TMIing the tailor as fake, theyā€™d have to be exactly the wolf who was executed the day before player :dog: was vigged. Which means the case on them is ā€œtheyā€™re godfather who slipped forgetting they were a godfatherā€ andā€¦ this is confusing.

I feel like Iā€™m remembering this case wrong, because if not then the vig shot on them is even worse than I remembered.

Either way. Player :dog: flips town.

Lesson: Town can make posts that look like slips. The more investigative altering abilities in play, the more confusing they can be and reasonable it is to mix them up.

Player :wolf: fails to comment on feedback the class player :wolf: claims to be getting informed about something they arenā€™t informed about.

When called out, player :wolf: immediately tells the accuser theyā€™re wrong and that theyā€™re just RTing them, and quotes the classcard of said class.

This is a slip that is more likely to come from a wolf. They never explicitly stated they were informed of this fact, but itā€™s heavily implied they believed they would be.

Player :wolf:, as the emoji applies, was converted into being a wolf.

Lesson: Just know when scumslips are real! :joy_cat:
Real Lesson: A slip along the lines of claiming something happened that just doesnā€™t happen is something that might actually be a real slip.


This is like, the entire basis of FM, but specifically, the above 3 cases could all easily be solved if some reads were incorporated into their situations.

If we want to use meta, both player :cat: and :dog: were fairly deep into their townmetas ā€“ but if you set that aside, the intentions of player :dog: especially were significantly more pure than wolves are usually capable of.

Player :wolf:, on the day they ā€œslippedā€, did several wolfy things, and made a few contradictions.

But the case on all 3 of these players didnā€™t really consider any macro readings of the player at all. They were just ā€œscumslip = badā€ except when the ā€œscumslipā€ actually equaled bad.


Additionally, regardless of the circumstance, you also shouldnā€™t out PRs if youā€™re a villager, either.

Especially when they convert into incredibly strong classes.

Iā€™d say ā€œmassclaim badā€, but once the PRs were outted it had merit, and at that point I donā€™t think many people had claimed.

If I pretend this entire post isnā€™t about specifically SFoL63, a majority of this site really sucks at PR cover as a whole.

I think this is about everything I noticed go terribly wrong for town in SFoL63. Might have missed something since Iā€™m bad at keeping my thoughts in my head when I write long posts like this.

TL;DR: read the big text and then read all of the not big text


too many words


thereā€™s no amount of words that can describe how i felt watching sfol63

so i wrote 1493


you wanna know how I felt bout 63 i can do it in one word


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I read your post kat

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a picture and a half
therefore technically not words

itā€™s not really written for you, youā€™re a better player than me, but i appreciate it nonetheless

it was mostly a ranty post anyway

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I didnā€™t read your post kat

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it was written for specifically you because ur bad at FM

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scumslips are real when they are pov slips, or tmi
fucking up on minor wording things is usually nai



kat i read like 65% of it

I read the titles.

hang on
got an example

read formerfishā€™s iso

site is very ugly, i stop reading

I made this post as GK

i feel like we can do ā€œhow to read the kingā€ analysis with you since youā€™ve been king about 50 times

I wish I rolled King more often.

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