Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

Chloe is good at fm
or something

uH, lEts Go To ThE BeAch BeAch
LeT’s gO GeT A WaVE

StarShIpS WeRe MEaNt To FlYYYY
HandS uP AnD TouCh tHe SkYyyyy


Every forum mafia player is Chlo


I heard the word orange, I’m here

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every chleb is a forum mafia player

Did Chloe win

I don’t know.

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Since PJO is over, this is just a friendly reminder that you shouldn’t allow wolves to get away with making extremely anti-town plays just because they do it when they village as well.

Thank you, that’ll be all.


Looks at me being MLed D1
Not sure I agree

Like, you really shouldn’t have believed that check in the first place, tbfh.

I’ll be sure to be on my watch against anti town plays!


Chloe good (FM related)


It might be a good idea to include town wins off site as examples to learn from.
Clue(do) Mafia is one of them.

Tbfh, the entire wolfteam that game was basically composed of 4 polarized players.

Phraze/Michelle/Quick are basically players that I can have a lock on their alignment by EoD1 and Kajot isn’t as polarized but still has the polarization to a certain extent.

I don’t think FoL has any players like this anymore.

Also MU players tend to be more read-oriented and unlike FoL you don’t get threads drowned by thousands of posts pertaining to mech talk.

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Out of the wolf team, I played with Michelle and Ace Marvel before the latter subbed out once.
Phraze and Quick I never played with before, yet the latter made a chainsaw defence which didn’t work out.

I am that player

Who’s gonna tell her