Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

Implement a captcha

Wait no dont do this

I like playing here


I think the issue is and the issue I personally have is I tend to do allot of Gut Reads.
On other sites play sometimes resolved around Strong Players only which I completely despise as a game shouldn’t rely on a player and only that player’s alignment wins.

My suggestion is to use a Method called “Town Deduction”

Town Deduction and how it works:

Pretty much your looking for Town instead of Scum.
So instead of Scum Hunting your Town Hunting.
It’s a type of PoE Method where you have your Town Reads on one side and Not Town Reads on the other side.
So the side that doesn’t have your Town Reads are known as Your “Lynch Options”
Alternatively, anyone in that section of your PoE can be lynched.

Now moving on to the second part of the method.
Who to Lynch?
I know that some people Town read people that others don’t really Town read.
That’s fine.
How to figure out a lynch is by “Town Control
Now your probably wondering well WTF is “Town Control” it’s pretty much where Town Motivation becomes a key factor.
To figure out the lynch it resolved around these 4 things

  • The Case on each Individual
  • Information that can be gained upon the individual being lynched
  • Comparison Towards other Individuals that could be considered as Town or scum buddies with the Individual in Question
  • Resistance Towards an Individual in Question. An Individual that doesn’t seem like it’s going to be Top Wagon. More or Less a Resistance that seems to effect the game state where that persons wagon doesn’t get bigger and stays there or shortens despite not having any reason for it to no longer be pressured.


Voting someone who’s easy to lynch (in everyone’s non Town reads) or Sheeping the Best Player in the game won’t necessarily ensure a scum lynch so it is NEVER the Best Method as I have allot of experience with people doing that and it’s why I be a bit toxic at times.


I would like to see a game where it’s 5 v 4 scum, town’s votes are in private and only theirs counts.

That sounds like legion

What’s your opinion on my idea?

i like it quite a bit and is a good guide for how to play.

if everyone played like that town winrates would go up

like i said that’s the perfect extreme. it’s the only way im capable of playing town competently but it def is never necessary

we’re currently at the opposite extreme. Most never bother to skim anyones’ iso in the current game even and many players spampost which makes ISO’s valueless and timewasteful, as i said.

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I feel like I generally post a lot but it is also on-topic

So there is a way to do both


but i only know not both

I usually fill the beginning of the game with fluff but I tunnel people like vul and arete really fucking early all the time so it gets on-topic pretty quickly

I post a lot of 1-liners but I just play a lot better when im actually actively interacting with people instead of reading + wallposting

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and tbh reading the ISOs of a wallposter and a 1-liner poster who have the same amount of content takes… the same amount of time.

The thing is… lots of people don’t read wallposts but if you are actually reading each sentence from each person it takes the same amount of time


fwiw I much prefer a bunch of small posts to wallposts from a legibility perspective

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I struggle to meme when I’m town
It’s weird

want some lessons?




I can do it as scum
I care too much would be the right form of expression

I’m going to actually go through the games under discussion to try to figure out if there are noticeable patterns

FoL 27
Hydra JK9
Vanilla Nightless
Evo Mafia
SFoL 58
FoL 26

as a note: I think I missed a game, because 9/12 of these were scum wins, not 10/12

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