Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) šŸ˜¹

We should probably re-think how we address this issue, and accept that several of us will just never have the WiM to play with even 40% the level of competency of our best

At least IMHO

thatā€™s all for now

Thereā€™s an extent to whichā€“

Obviously people are going to vary in how much time and WiM and effort they have to dedicate to the game

but itā€™s also a team game, and at some point you do, actually, have obligations to your team, and one of those obligations is to actually try

and if youā€™re not willing to do that then you shouldnā€™t be playing

terrible analogy time

letā€™s say that weā€™re all at summer camp, and a certain number of people can sign up for, I donā€™t know, a capture-the-flag game

obviously people are going to end up on your team that arenā€™t very good, itā€™s summer camp, thatā€™s fine and you shouldnā€™t be a dick about it

and maybe someone misses the discussion about where to hide the flag because they had to pass the swim test (this is the equivalent of having IRL stuff), as long as they can still play thatā€™s fine

but if someone on your team just spends the entire game standing around in one spot, and doesnā€™t even try to chase after the people from the other team even if they run right by them, thatā€™s not really fair to their team


My level of WiM mostly depends on how much Iā€™m enjoying the game.

One of the reasons that impacts my enjoyment could definitely be angleshot so Iā€™m just gonna not talk about them cuz Iā€™m still in ongoing games.

I do truly believe that asking anyone to play with over 65% your level of competency is asking too much

You do have an unnaturally high level of WiM compared to most of the community; you have to admit that

(yes im a terrible example as im at the bottom. But still)

Hey so the people from my basketball them?

Of course we shouldnā€™t expect nothing. But expect less from some than others, given past demenstrations of chronic-WiM-level-based ability

fy autocorrect team is a word.

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In a situation where the deaths of a bunch of well known LHFā€™s in a row leads to townā€™s loss, the blame cannot be placed solely on their shoulders

Point is, the definition of acceptable level of effort should be different between players based on the psychological state and previously shown mental abilities of each player. In some cases even noticeably different

Itā€™s not realistic to expect the same amount of work from everyone

I donā€™t expect ā€œcompetencyā€ from people, I expect people to actually play the game they signed up for and play at all



Again, based on your recommendations in this thread, I believe your mentally internalized definition of ā€œplaying at allā€ involves a significant amount of effort and competency

I have no sympathy for someone who chooses not to try, then blames other people for executing them because they never try.


All im saying is that this will never stop happening, as I firmly believe a lot of this is due to chronically, unfixably low levels of WiM, rather than laziness.

nobody is asking anyone to be good

or at least expecting them to. Thatā€™s kind of what this thread is for and what FM is about, helping people to improve

we are asking them to try.

Someone who has not much time but still makes an okay number of posts and is entirely wrong I will still have respect for

they tried, and didnā€™t do well, but at least put up an effort

but if people donā€™t try (and especially if they do it consistently) I will not respect their play


FoL28 begs to differ

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The definition of ā€œtryingā€ is either too fluid or nonexistent
Perhaps it should be better factored into forced replacements?

low WiM is like fine

but if you are really not motivated to win you should probably not play. Low WiM is understandable but not good

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If someoneā€™s WiM is too low for them to even try to play then they shouldnā€™t be playing

itā€™s sort of like ā€“ I acknowledge that people have IRL commitments, and if someone can only spend a couple hours each day on the game then thatā€™s fine, but at the same time if someone can only play for 5 minutes each day then they shouldnā€™t be playing

if someone doesnā€™t have the WiM to spend all day in the thread thatā€™s fine, if someone doesnā€™t have the WiM to support all their reads with extensive Iso analysis thatā€™s fine, if someone doesnā€™t have the WiM to actually play the game and make reads then they probably shouldnā€™t be playing


FoL 28: gets accused of not trying despite putting in more effort than ~half the game :^)

(but yes)