Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) šŸ˜¹

okay fair

your low WiM games are still above average


thats actually

a thing

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Of course itā€™s bad and it needs to end; and have no plans to play in anything for a very long time. I think im being misinterpreted.
I just see patterns and do not believe for a second that consistent willful laziness is occurring; maybe these people dont understand how chronically low their WiM really is.

I know this isnā€™t the place to level accusations which is why Iā€™m trying not to; I just foresee these same problems occurring for town over and over and over again, et cetera.

If someone signs up for a game and thinks they will have good WiM, but then it depletes, that is fine and natural, and they can replace out and give the slot to somebody who will be motivated

they can look at why it happened and then not do it again

If it happens a second time in a short span then it becomes a pattern (unless something IRL happened, in which case there are appeals), and youā€™ll be signup banned.

Signing up for games with low WiM is not ever a good idea, and losing WiM to the point of replaceouts multiple times is something that requires serious self-reflection


But as soon as someone starts selfvoting and AtEing and all that they should stop playing

we arenā€™t allowed to tell people to replace out but that is legitimately the best option for them and the game and is genuine advice

Instead of not trying, give the slot to someone who will.


Personally im in favor of adding a clause making consistently really low WiM across a long period blacklistable even if no other rules were ever broken.

Thatā€™s all i was trying to communicate, and i apologize for bungling my intentions so supremely.

How do you define this.

for what itā€™s worth i feel like this would result in a lot more RWSTFO

outside of memes, right? ā€¦right?


slippery slope

if what you were trying to communicate was that having really low WiM should be blacklistable then saying things like ā€˜some people just have really low WiM, stop faulting them for it, itā€™s not going to change and itā€™s not their fault if they get misexeā€™d for itā€™ was a really questionable way to communicate that

My idea changed mid-convo
I thought to attack your unnaturally high level of wim to start but realized that got nowhere and started feeling like shit because you were right

selfvote and AtE is a legitimate last resort defense strategy to get off the chopping block


Hard, but IMHO not impossible with enough time and detail. This forum has a long history

Yeah probably looks like one.

All im saying is that ppl with depression and other causes of chronically low WiM should not be playing, but whether known or not, with an addiction as powerful as FM, sometimes itā€™s just not possible to stop

I strongly dislike that and it should not be a strategy

limited AtE is fine but people defending themselves by gamethrowing is a no and iā€™m probably going to policy-exe people who do

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Couple questions

1.How long is the queue right now?
2.Do I need to past a review for a setup that has been hosted a number of times on different sites that is also classified as an open setup?

yeah it was a joke. some people do this though. Do you think itā€™s wrong to hard AtE as scum as a last resort?

Obviously claiming to gamethrow is wrong though

the review would probably be very fast in this case


yes but if itā€™s a Well Known Open Set-up itā€™ll probably be fast

iā€™m always against faking negative emotion for an advantage, itā€™s manipulative.

Iā€™m fine with people faking being happier than they are because their claim would be happier in this gamestate, but people faking being upset and then not being that is super sketchy for me

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Cool so you think this setup is a good idea on this site just to train people not to open claim their role when being pushed for a lynch?


TinyHunt 8
A Witch Hunt Variant ā€‹


The Village wins when all members of the Witch Coven are dead, and at least one Villager is alive.

Priest: Each night, check if a player is in the Witch Coven.

Acolyte: At the start of the game, you learn who the Priest is.

Judge: At the end of day, if the Lynch vote is tied or no lynch, you may kill a player of your choosing. This does not count as a lynch for Vigilante purposes.

Vigilante: The first Night after two consecutive lynches of Village members, you may kill a player. A Vigilante kill appears the same as a regular Witch Night Kill.

Oracle: Each night, pick a player. If that player was visited by any other party, you learn how many Witches were alive at the start of that night. Possible Visits: Witch Kill, Vigilante Kill, Priest check, Clown throw, Angel protect - including a deathcurse blocked Angel protect.

Gambler: At the start of the game, choose even or odd. On those nights, you have Protection from a kill.

Leeroy: You may kill yourself to immediately determine the Lynch target, so long as a majority has not been reached. Your death, and who you select will be announced at day end. This does not count as a lynch for Vigilante purposes.

Graverobber: Once per game at night, pick a dead player and learn their role. Witches are told when you do this.

D.O.B.: When you die, choose another player to die with you. Your death and the target you select will be announced at day start if you are killed in the night, or at day end if you die to a lynch.

Clown: Each night, select a player to hit with a pie. Players hit by pies are told, and if you selected the same target as the Priest or Oracle, you have Protection from a kill for that night (though you are not informed you had protection).

Witches win when all Villagers are dead or nothing can prevent this from happening. Witches can freely communicate with each other and have a nightly kill.

Demon: Each night, you are informed of who the Priest and Oracle visited, but not who visited which player.

Occultist: At the end of each night, you are informed of the Guardian Angelsā€™ protection target that night. If the Guardian Angels protect same target two nights in a row without preventing their death, learn that targetā€™s role.

Necromancer: Learn the role of players killed by the Witch Night Kill.


Timing: Day One will be 120 Hours, Day Two and Day Three will be 96 hours, and Day Four and onwards will be 72 hours. Nights will be 24 hours.

Lynches: The day ends when the day end timer arrives. The day can be ended prematurely with a HARD LYNCH, which will be roughly 3/4 of the alive players. SOFT LYNCH will be majority, and will determine the lynch at Day End. If a SOFT LYNCH is not reached by Day End, it will go to the Judge, or result in a no lynch. Voting for No Lynch is permissible. There are no deadline votes.

Deaths: Roles are not revealed upon death.

Soup: At night, instead of making the group Night Kill, a Witch may instead choose to drink Soup. Doing so allows them to Match a player to an Innocent role one at a time until they are incorrect or choose to stop. Each correctly Matched player dies. They may do this once per Witch. Dead Witches cannot use Soup.

A successful Match will only give the ā€˜PlayerName has Diedā€™ message. On an incorrect match, the message is ā€˜Xanthippe the Witch attempted to Soupkill Yolanda the [Incorrect Role Name], but failedā€™, but if no players have been killed that night with Soup, the identity of the Witch is not revealed - ā€˜A Witch attempted to Soupkill Amelia the [Incorrect Role Name], but failedā€™.

Lump, the Faithful Panda: On Day 1, there is a plurality vote for Lump to be a playerā€™s friend (witches choose who wins a tie). Lump always Lynch votes the same as his friend, adding an extra vote. If Lumpā€™s friend dies, Lump leaves the game.

Guardian Angels: Dead players become Angels. Each Night, the Angels decide by plurality vote to Protect a player (tie = no protect). A Protected player canā€™t die to regular kills that night (Vigilante Kill or Witch Night Kill). ā€œNo Protectā€ is a valid vote.

Angels get the results of Priest checks at the end of each night. Angels are unable to give Protection when there are four or fewer living players at the start of night.

Death Curse: Once per game during Day, dead Witches may cast a Death Curse, which renders any Protection that Night ineffective. After casting a Death Curse, the Witch may not vote any further in Angel chat (but can still post in it). Living players are not informed of a Death Curse. Angels are not informed of a Death Curse until the end of that night.

Witches Last Gasp: If a Witch dies to a standard lynch (not judge or leeroy), their power continues to work for the coven that night.

Night Kill Survival: If a player survives being killed at night there is no public announcement made. However, the player is told privately that they survived.

Timing Specific Role Actions: D.O.B, Leeroy and Judge can have pre-queued conditionals set up at all times in their QuickTopics. (Ex: If I reach soft lynch at any point, I wish to activate Leeroy on Player X. Ex #2: Iā€™m currently setting myself to revenge kill Player Y if I die).

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