Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

[quote=“N.1, post:1593, topic:81390, full:true”]

Expanding the breadth of what can be forcibly replaced by a host is probably easier to define? idk

All im saying is that this is a serious issue and with the status quo, I believe it will never go away.

the cop would soft d1

Soup bypasses everything and you can keep guessing someone’s role if you were right the previous attempt

Lump only works D1 iirc

The setup is also flipless and witches can soup themselves

thoughts @Arete @DatBird?

It’s the perfect setup for this site :’)

Anyway the general premise with this setup is you never claim your role. Ever, even if you are about to get lynched, you just accept it and move on. The reason for this is that the soup that the witches have will absolutely destroy town if people claim for no reason. If someone claims, then that means the witches can narrow down what roles are left after each death as well.

Anyway if the queue is really long I’m probably not going to host it but someone else can, I think it would be a good experience for the players. If people don’t claim then competent town should usually win, however the person who I borrowed it from said that he never has lost as a wolf in this setup because he abused softing roles.

It’s really long mate
Definitely over four months, at least.

So many words and I can’t even tell how many players are in this setup.


Ok, I get the concept now.

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gym class flashbacks

if you dont have WiM replace out, its always +EV for your team

people aren’t doing this
and some just never will, due to unawareness of their low WiM and/or insurmountable addiction to fm

there is no such thing as insurmountable addiction to fm
that’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard

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not my problem

once again, thats their problem

Yes of course it is only their problem. But imho it will never stop which is why i favor amending the rules for this matter

and even with low WiM, it’s very much something you can have other people tell you about if you ask
because if you lack that self awareness I’d say that most people on this forum are decently perceptive

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imo the replacement rule should only apply to those that just replace out for no reason