Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

deleting this thread would remove a resource that may help players improve

although i wouldnt mind a much more concise thread for this shit

given we’re at 2k posts

keep this as a discussion thread and have a less-discussy thread that would be a more useful resource (eg. queue discussion thread vs queue thread)

I agree, Insurgency was one of the most shocking things with no claims, honestly one of my favorite parts of it. I think if we follow our rules, and like try and to improve we can do better. TBH i didnt think i had it in me to post that much as scum but that means if I can, than @Italy @Amelia and a lot more can as well. We need to always strive for improvement.

I also tried to eliminate heavy AtE that game (and didn’t curse)

and a generally more wholesome environment is one that I think is more protown

people will stop hiding behind AtE as a defense (which is almost always NAI and gets nowhere unless it is explicitly rulebreaking)

And shit like fucking selfhammering out of spite towards a player who has pushed you helps nobody and every time someone selfvotes it is quite literally throwing a hissyfit unless there is like a good mechanical reason for it

Stop AtE it sucks

attack the argument of someone. never attack the person.


it was a hyperbole but whatever

well i stand by the “make a more concise thread for this” because

like i said

2000 posts

as someone actively attempting to improve i don’t need to (or really want to) read 2000 posts

basically just make a thread that has hyperlinks to all the Mafia University articles on MU

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The main issue is individuals drag the quality of town down significantly. If everyone just managed to play ‘OK’ Town would do so much better.

Wowfm had so many townies overall do OK or better. There was just 2 or 3 awful townies that dragged the rest of the town off a cliff.

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this reminds me of a lesson i learned the hard way

If you know you have powerful depression, DO NOT PLAY FM!!

Is it possible to play without breaking any rules? Yes.

Is it possible to play well anything like a non-depressed person is capable of and/or ever escape perpetual LHF-ville?

FM addiction can be really, really binding and can feel unbeatable, even in the face of mental illness. If anyone would know this, I would.

In the end though, you need to come to this realization that if you have mental health disorder(s), you need to find the willpower to exhibit restraint in this manner (I have now finally found this willpower, thankfully).

there are a thousand other ways that anyone could spend their time that both aren’t FM and are all immensely less taxing on mental health than FM.


FM and bad mental health in general

is not a good mix at all

It’s an activity that naturally requires a lot of brainpower and is naturally stress-inducing

please take care of yourselves people

Even if you like a setup, not signing up for something if you think it might be too much for you will help you and the general experience of the game


this is (mostly) a joke


that’s probably a joke but IMHO it’s in crude taste

Beating FM addiction is fucking hard
Those who know they have depression but keep entering games haven’t been able to do so yet.

idk I remember playing well with depression

i mean im talking about myself

i didn’t really think about how this could be interpreted as me joking about other people


I realize it’s different from person to person, but once it gets intense enough, it becomes absolutely impossible to play FM competently.

I want to believe that those who have helped town get torpedoed while town over and over again are doing it more out of an inability to conquer FM addiction, even if they know they need to step away for a while, than anything else.

I realize the task of conquering FM addiction might seem impossibly hopeless for some, but I did it, and my depression over these past few months has been among the most painful that anyone on this site has ever experienced.

If I can do it, anyone can. My PM’s and DM’s are always open (yes, I am now removing my no Discord DM clause).

Let’s improve peoples’ mental health and town play on this site simultaneously, together.



I just gave an issue with being good at the game yk

with a 100% win rate with a sample size of 1 turbo i propose that town start communicating only in pictures and emojis


isnt it 50%