Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

my username on discord is nk short for neutral killing btw #reference

Nah, Iā€™m genuinely Town, Iā€™m just asking as I have heavily different thoughts on how Iā€™d treat an NK here.
(will respond soon prophy)

ok but why are you bringing it up there is no need to randomly bring up how different wed treat u if ur nk

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i was talking about sfol67

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thats so sus

ik lol
it feels like something leafia would do

Doubts that you are wolf arenā€™t exactly townreads.

This is exactly what a wolf in your position would likely say.

Read the rest of my post. I changed it from you to PKR to Atlas. I had a lot of trouble making up my mind last night.

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Like if someone accused leafia of being a neutral killer, sheā€™d be like

ā€œOh Iā€™m not NK, but if I was NK Iā€™d be doing thisā€¦ and also if Iā€™m NK you wouldnā€™t want to kill me anyway Laughsā€


take your time wazza

thanks min

brb grabbing food

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im making myself laugh

Yeah. I agree with you knowing what we know now.

Because Iā€™m trying to discuss something as I have nothing else to contribute, Iā€™ve stated my reads already, Iā€™ve stated my thoughts and Iā€™ve stated my unsureness completely. I have nothing else to say so when someone brings up the NK and thoughts I absolutely disagree with, Iā€™m going to comment on it.

If there was an NK, Iā€™d kill them as well, however weā€™re in a scumstomp so Iā€™d take any chances I could from now tbh, especially considering this game is a lost cause for us already

please this is very funny and Iā€™m finding it hard to stay serious

But that doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t exist.

This is also exactly what a town in my position would say when socially theyā€™re good to kill but mechanically theyā€™re bad. Donā€™t try and twist it for your own fallacy.

Yeah, I realised in the post right below it.

Good question, well I suppose I can put them in categories.

People who are genuinely trying to evaluate me, probably these players:
Galena(ish, Iā€™m actually unsure)

People pushing me for the lols would be no one, they wouldnā€™t make it obvious theyā€™re pushing me for a meme, Iā€™d say Hippo, but heā€™s not exactly pushing on me.

People trying to not evaluate me:
Galena(ish, Iā€™m actually unsure)

These are all people that are practically just deadset on me being one alignment whether that be Town or Scum or just havenā€™t made a single bit of effort to evaluate me

If I knew this, Iā€™d be pushing on them.

Same as above, although out of all players, Iā€™d say Marshal is using me as a distraction as almost everytime sheā€™s in the thread, she brings me up, although that might just be because sheā€™s not trying to evaluate me.

Although you didnā€™t mention it, Iā€™ll add one of my own, people who were in previous categories can still be in here.

People Iā€™m unsure on their stance:

As for everything else:

Once again, if I knew this Iā€™d be pushing the people I thought are wolves. Thereā€™s definitely wolves thrown in the mix on pushing on me, thereā€™s no way there isnā€™t as itā€™d be unfeasible if there was, who they are, I donā€™t have a clue, the only ones I have some sort of thought could be wolf are mainly people who arenā€™t trying to evaluate me whatsoever, I believe the people who are trying to evaluate me are Town or Scum pretending to do so in a possibility of trying to gain credit, but if I was sure on this, Iā€™d be voting someone, unfortunately I am not.

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If I was deadset, Iā€™d be voting you. Do you want me to give you my opinion on you?

A town in your position would be focusing on reading and trying to convince people that theyā€™re a villager, not flat out giving up and why are you assuming that we only have one villager capable of saving Wind?

You should also be in the unsure on their stance, I missed you as I originally made it just to include Hippo but then I added others (youā€™re above Hippo on the playerlist)

I feel your defense of yourself today is townie, but mechanically and d1 I found off.


I mean this mostly by clonedā€™s gun