Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

I expect there to be either 6 or 5 + 1 wolves

I think whysper is v likely mafia I think the way she and ici both handled my slot in hindsight looks extremely extremely LW-treatment-y

Yes. Thanks for that Arctic. I hope you being able to talk in thread is permanent honestly.

Why in a couple hours, specifically? And why do you feel the need to say you didnā€™t kill cloned

hard disagree

remember that read ici made that looked like they were tmiā€™ing pigeon v? i donā€™t think they do that as a wolf

nor do i think they come up with the ā€œici left a note saying alice was a wolfā€ on day 2 after alice was flipped lol

itā€™s not i only have today and tomorrow

Youā€™ll see re: the first.

Wazza was saying that I was a vigilante who killed cloned using the Cattail account.

Ah. But I assume marl had control over it until d3

I think they absolutely do, pigeon is gonna be someone you want to shield early or else heā€™ll get put to the shredder

I also disagree with this even more cuz I think whysper knows that this is mega angleshootable and I sort of doubt she ever says this as v, it is also pretty out there as w tbf but i am not convinced at all itā€™s wolf AI

*its town AI

Marl gave me access to the account N2.

Regardless of all worlds we are living in, I think Hippo is incredibly likely to be a wolf.

Ah. So itā€™s only for D3 then? Even if so, it helps us out a lot. Where are your reads currently at after the flip?

itā€™s a gross thing to say as either alignment though, i donā€™t think it makes her less likely to be v


u know what


Screen Shot 2021-08-22 at 5.51.52 PM

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brb in ~1-2 hours

It should be a consensus villager who gets it next. Someone whoā€™ll actually use it.

something like

rue min atlas zero sulit
marl whysper marshal (tentative)


hippo luxy eli PKR
wazza guillo

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get on that galena spew!!!

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sulit v, im v and you are all fucking potatoes for not listening to me about them containing a wolf