Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

again i do not know the contents of my gifts


I doubt it

Vul flipped good, even if his role was hidden

So yeah I doubt that

Because heā€™d have to be bad for the good gift to help him

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tf are you on about, my gun was confirmed publicly to be a thing I got.

So I literally cannot be lying lmao

You canā€™t be lying about having the gun. But you can be lying about what gave you the gun, and what the gun does

This means nothing, it just means Wind couldā€™ve been bled by someone else.

I donā€™t know what gave me the gun, Atlas. I just assumed it was Cloned and Iā€™m pretty sure it was still Cloned.

And Iā€™ve not lied about what the gun does, I told everything about it.

So if cloneds ability works like he said, what do you think the present order he gave out was then?

so at this point we have two outed wolves fmpov, wind and wazza

if these two are town they have no reason to lie about my gift to them, so wind claiming poison was from me and wazza claiming the gun are both openwolfing

I donā€™t know, am I supposed to care?

Cloned, we donā€™t know what gave us the gift, weā€™re just assuming. You saying you have two outed wolves is just your own fallacy.

i mean yeah

if hes town the only solution that you arenā€™t bad is that hes lying for some reason

Okay but Atlas.

Other things couldā€™ve gave us this and Cloned is just telling the truth.

Thereā€™s no reason to be focused on this as it doesnā€™t provide anything useful for us.

Iā€™m still pretty sure he gave me the dayvig though.

it was never confirmed that you got it from me

you just have it

Guys. If you are both town, I think I figured out what it does

Yes and who gives stuff to people, you.

Iā€™m going to assume you gave it to me.
And Iā€™m pretty sure you gave it to me.

Its a fake shot. Thats why its bad, because of assuming stuff like you assumed earlier

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