Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

@Marluxion it’s actually really funny ti me but

… What

Eli is gone :crab:

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Yes he legit got yeeted

Not even in graveyard

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Elis existence just ceased

Eli left the game.
I shot at Marshal and the gun failed.

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I also rescinded my Vig claimed and fully outed my role.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Wazza WindwardAway, Arctic, Zerokito, min 4/10
Galena sulit 1/10
thepigeonnyc Rue 1/10
Rue Prophylaxis 1/10
sulit Galena 1/10
clonedcheese Marluxion 1/10
Not voting Atlas, clonedcheese, Hippolytus, Liattac, Luxy, Marshal, PokemonKidRyan, thepigeonnyc, Wazza, Whysper 10

All the good players die



“I don’t wanna play this game anymore”

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it was very funny

I was in an argument with min again after they thought I roleblocked them and then Eli voted me and just peaced out

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Do you think I can claim my ability on the cattail account and be safe from anticlaim?

Eli’s vote definitely still applies on me and he’ll definitely be back.

I wouldn’t risk it.

I very very very much doubt it

I doubt it too but I don’t think risking it is a very good idea

Wolves at Ly/lo:

ok what the actual fuck happened

why are there so many dead

to clarify my role gives out gifts

one good, one empty, one bad

i gave the good to vulgard, empty to wind, bad to wazza, as was the consensus yesterday

but i don’t know the contents of these gifts

which means these two are complete bs:

I believe those were NK and dayvig respectively, showing these two are W/W.

Again, I am not personally responsible for any deaths.

was the good hiding vul’s role when he died