Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

Still like, kind of paranoid of you, Marshal (funny thing because the invitational being alted meant that I had no paranoia of you as Trapsetter) but I do appreciate you engaging with me.

I doubt it, but fair. I wouldnā€™t want to be at risk of getting shot and my rolecard blurred either

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yea its fair i think most people should be paranoid of me the best way to read me is off of results and iā€™ve really not gotten to have any results so I can understand not trusting me

I doubt i rlly die tonight tho unless my reads are super on point or something cuz im in almost all PoEs which will be nice this will be my last game for a long time so i wanna make it a good one ll

Can you talk about your mindset regarding full-claiming when you believe that anti-claim KP certainly exists? I think you may have gone into this earlier but I forgot.

Are you saying Liattac is human?

I was kinda tilted and thought that town day KP could exist and wanted to explain my d1 actions and LW softs because people had already expressed wanting me to die so I decided it was worth it

also lots of ppl higher in towncore have claimed stuff as well so realistically i dont care that much, if wolves kill me its going onto a PoEish villa slot without very good abils so im fine with being anticlaimed. (though to be honest im not sure how much this actually factored into my claim lol)

its v clearly not human which makes me think pkr is full of it unless theres a secret hydra i dont know about

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I have a tinfoil about what it could mean but I need to make sure of something first

either way im going to bed bye

Especially since I do legit want to be mech oracle lol

I can only say what I got told.
How am I supposed to know what it means?

PKR if youā€™re telling the truth I think itā€™s proof scum have abilities that can change the result of what youā€™re meant to get.

Guess Iā€™ll start with Galena sinceā€¦ when I was reading their posts I had a slight suspicion their posts were a little manufactured, but Iā€™ll either confirm or conclude that Iā€™m wrong here.

I think that her initial confusion re: Orange and Marshal using Orangeā€™s avatar and Orange not being in the game kind of makes them not w/w.

She has a lot of unexplained reads here at the start. ā€œX is townā€ ā€œX is a wolfā€ without any reasoning to really back it up.

Theyā€™re constantly overwhelmed with this game, which isā€¦ fine but also not very alignment indicative.

@Galena - do you know why you did this? This is something Iā€™m losing from not reading with context.

Oh okay, I guess itā€™s here. So theyā€™ve started at Wind town, rescinded that townread, and then are now back to wolf again. And then theyā€™ve said that theyā€™re not towncoring Wind? And theyā€™re back to townreading Wind again?

They are asking why Wazza is a wolf, they got a lot of responses from people telling them why, and they vote Wazza. I guess my main concern with this slot is how theyā€™ve voted people who are likely town (Wazza/Atlas) but itā€™s difficult to figure out if theyā€™re a wolf coasting or a townie just genuinely overwhelmed with the thread, especially since their posts donā€™t really show much insight into their mindset.

@Galena - when you get a chance, can you talk about your Windward progression on Day 1? You were constantly shifting between townreading her and removing her from your towncore. Iā€™m missing a ton of context since Iā€™m just going through your ISO, but Iā€™m interested in hearing as to what posts exactly you were wolfreading/townreading Windward for.

I like her read re: Arctic kind of following me on my read of Wazza? It feels like the subtle thing that wolves normally wouldnā€™t bring up because it doesnā€™t advance their win condition, but a townie would because itā€™s off and/or intriguing. Their tone here seems to be more inquisitive than a way to shade Arctic, I feel?

Trying to wrap around if Galena would come to the strong townread they have on Rue just by what they quoted in that post (1028). I think the way they structured and framed the read is townie, but Iā€™m a little concerned that sheā€™s townreading Rue on variants of the same post (flat, one/two sentence questions). Like in 1025 - that Rue post can come from either alignment, I feel, and yet sheā€™s calling it villagery.

She did post this though, which makes a fair amount of sense.

Can you quote/talk about where this happened?

Thereā€™s like, a small chance this slot is decently-playing wolf (since I donā€™t really recall any huge pushes from them today besides a couple of well-explained townreads) but I donā€™t really sense an overarching goal or agenda coming from her? One thing I did like is how she asked Wazza to explain her ā€œRue probably scumā€ read when she just townread Rue.

I kinda feel like her scumread focuses (Sulit/Marshal) are kind of reactionary, but she also hasnā€™t really pushed to get her scumleans lunched or anything.

Think gun to head this slot is town for now. Felt like she was kind of floating for most of Day 1 and has made decent efforts to carve out her own spot in the game so far. Wonder why the ISO on Marl didnā€™t really amount to anything though.

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If itā€™s a soup kill that isnā€™t a limitation. Soup kills can target any number of players and it only stops killing once it hits a false or incomplete claim.

Claiming unless your claim will out a wolf is -------EV

Hippoā€™s first couple of posts are intended to be funny I feel, and theyā€™re campaigning to be the Grandmaster.

They think Wazza is town.

Continuously defending Wazza, vote Nightingale instead because she said ā€œlol only options are wazza or vulā€.

Okay just from doing a quick skim of Hippoā€™s posts itā€™s pretty clear that

  1. theyā€™ve barely read the game thread and are mostly shitposting, because busy/9-5 job, which I completely understand

  2. they also donā€™t have much on resembling reads or nuance or solviness

Kinda want to actually engage with them or see what they conclude from their ISOs, because Iā€™m not getting anything from contextless drunkposting.

The fact that they thought Wazza was town early Day 1 and then just hasnā€™t said a peep about her alignment Today is eyebrow raising though.

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i strongly doubt a soup kill exists without being explicitly stated in OP or in someones role (no pkrā€™s generic ā€œanticlaimā€ claim isnt this), itā€™s unconventional for FoL.


Might be overlooking something in your ISO, but can you please quote where you explained your read on my slot?

Read over Rueā€™s ISO twice now - difficult part is that because of the roleplaying and flat tonal questions itā€™s pretty tough to get inside her head. Think the only thing I liked from her was her attempt to engage Eli felt like it was not coming from a place of bad faith.

I donā€™t really recall her stances Today other than mostly peacing out because the gamethread is inhospitable (I canā€™t blame her, itā€™s been tough catching up today)

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You might be right lol, which, in itself would be pretty good info I guess?