Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

@chloe add your main to dead chat so you’ll make it public?

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Proph and aelin being a masony/hydra is hilarious after darling in the franxx


Go for it

Also we blasted Guillo N2 and Amelia N3 :sunglasses:
Amelia’s biggest blunder was probably claiming the same role Marissa claimed tbh

@Chloe also tiny thing, but I can’t change the category of the first game thread to “Completed”, it gives me an error.

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btw rip @TrustworthyLiberal for getting Proph’d (replacing in during night and dying that same night)

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Weird bug, ty

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we’re getting there, village


how hard could getting 5 town wins in a row possibly be :joy_cat:

I should have bussed pigeon, but my teammates asked me not to and we paid the price.

This is the lesson: Dont try to save your obvious scum partner for some extra KP. Play the long game.

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Good game town! =) I’ll get you next time.

Hi I had school sorry I didn’t read any of this game after replacing out but it seems like town won so good job

@katze is lazy at signup banning me but yea this was my last game for a while, hopd to rand town and be able to die early but couldn’t do that lol.

I liked setup the only thing I don’t like is dead interaction people are killed for a reason even if it’s bastard the game was p normal outside of that and it’s always super busted and makes game extremely restrictive for wolves

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shut up

the game ended on a day i overslept my brain is still turning on

thanks for the reminder tbh o7

Basically, yeah. Trying to save a wolf not playing the game is an extremely suboptimal play and should never be done.

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Yeah this will be my last game for a while too. I started a new job so I quit as v busy but I rejoined cuz but this game showed I don’t really have time to play to my best ability.

I’m sure I’ll play again in a few months time, take care team :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m gonna make a post soon
But gg
And @Arctic, similar to myself in Meowtainado, you had basically a huge character arc this game lmao


i hope i made it entertaining lol

Am counting this to my win streak.
That is all.